Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Theme Day--'Empty" and ABC Wednesday "X" is for 'xyloid'!

This future floating restaurant or cafe is pretty empty now, and I hope that it will be full when opened! I'm doing a double post today for ABC Wednesday's X and for Theme Day=Empty. "Xyloid" means "relating to wood."

More good stuff beginning tomorrow, as Bibi posts from the U.S., where she's visiting until August 18th.... Please continue to drop by to see how Bibi views her home turf.


Click here to view thumbnails for all participants in the THEME DAY!


marley said...

Excellent double take for the two themes! Its a great photo.

Looking forward to seeing you Stateside, and I'll remember the day your back - the 18th Aug is my birthday!

Enjoy your trip :)

Tash said...

Excellent combo. Very imaginative.

Have a great flight(s) over & I look forward to seeing the US (Big Apple, Seattle??) thru your eyes.

Tash said...

Any chance of coming down South?

Louis la Vache said...

If you find yourself in the San Francisco Bay Area, «Louis» knows where you can get a good shot of espresso!

Thérèse said...

Double challenge for your post and double challenge to blog while traveling...
Have a nice stay (any flight through Phx?)

Alexa said...

Hey, you did get them both in! Good for you—I'm officially impressed.

photowannabe said...

Great combo and I learned a new word. Good post for the letter X.

Hilda said...

Xyloid — I just learned a new word today! And yes, I hope the restaurant will always be full when it's done.

Roger Owen Green said...

New word, xcellent double use of the theme. well done!

Marie Reed said...

Have a great flight Bibi!

Jane Hards Photography said...

I nearly had xylem strangely. Always happy to learn a new word and a creative use for the themes. Hope you are having fun.

Virginia said...

Have fun in the states. I'm off to Paris next THursday. We didn't plan very well did we!

Jilly said...

You covered both themes so beautifully.

Jilly said...

Oooh, forgot to say - have a great trip.

Q said...

Great x and empty!
Safe and fun travels.

soulbrush said...

you know i will be one of the first ones to see your views in the usa bibi. have a fabulous holiday and fun.

Chuck Pefley said...

Bibi, what fun having you surprise me at the market today. No empty promise, yours -:)

Greg said...

Great choice for the monthly theme day- will be a nice place to dine when finished i am sure!

Unknown said...

Oh, great job for x! You know, in the picture above with the flip flops I can see x's in the nails : ) or screws or whatever they are.

Leif Hagen said...

Good EMPTY theme day AND ABC photo! It will be a coool place to visit when it's finished for sure!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!