Wednesday, September 2, 2009

ABC Wednesday "G" is for "Gulls''

Back in Belgrade, and gee, on second thought, I hope these are (sea)gulls! Still suffering from jet lag, I walked along the Sava in the early morning mist and saw these gulls perched on this branch. Snap!

Join ABC Wednesday


Richard Lawry said...

Great Gull Photo. I like the way they are lined up.

An Arkies Musings

Antjas said...

I like your new header. It reminds me that it's time for plum dumplings. It was fun following you across the country. Glad you had a safe return home.

Traveler said...

Lovely picture! I love these birds.

Rose said...

Beautiful photo! On behalf of the ABC team, thanks for sharing. But I must say the hummingbird and bee photo from yesterday is the best--what a great shot!

Virginia said...

Oh what a great shot. Love them.

Carol said...

Nice line up of gulls...and I love the misty hazy look to this photo...btw, your header shot is delicious... said...

I love the morning mist with these gulls perched so perfectly! wonderful for today's letter Bibi!
I bet little Bibi is happy to see you eh?

Marie Reed said...

I'm with you sister! I still have a horrible case of jet lag. Two weeks later and I'm still exhausted!

Alexa said...

They sure look like seagulls to me (and, trust me, I should know). Great abc "G" shot!

Jane Hards Photography said...

When I was younger gulls could onlky be found coastal. Now I hear they are making there way inland in the UK. That are shrouded in a little mysterious mist as we would say here.

Not a clue about linky.

Jay said...

They look like some kind of gull to me! What a sweet photo!

Thérèse said...


Roger Owen Green said...

jet lag can be brutal, but good gull pic anyway

B SQUARED said...

Welcome home!

Lowell said...

Good snap! I think they are planning out their day's events...any fishing boats nearby?

I've often wondered why seagulls are found so far from the sea?

I like the mistiness of this photo...and thanks for visiting at Ocala DP!

~JarieLyn~ said...

This is a really cool gull photo. That branch really makes a nice focal point for the gulls.

Frank said...

I wondered where all the Tampa, Florida Gulls had gone. Great capture. They look happy and well fed.

Marie-Noyale said...

Tylenol p.m is great for jetlags!!

marley said...

Good to have you back (if you know what I mean!) Great photo. love the grainy look.

I like your new banner photo too. Nice Autumn feel.

Maria's Space said...

What a dreamy picture.
Love the misty look.

Ming the Merciless said...

I bet you're glad to be home and settling back to your normal routine.

Love the misty feel of the photo. And I think some of the seagulls are still asleep.

Ugi said...

I've been reading your blog for a while now and I'm really impressed how you managed to capture some moments.
These are seagulls, which came with trains from Bar(port in Montenegro). Seagulls enter the wagons in search for food and they stay locked till Belgrade. Where they immediately find rivers and fisherman boats. I heard this story too many times, it must be true. :)

Jilly said...

Such a beautiful shot. Misty and gorgeous.


 As temperatures drop, I am always curious about water birds' feet. I finally looked up the reason why they don't just get their fee...