Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Blue-eyed Goose

Maybe all geese have blue eyes; I don't know. I woke this one up when I snapped its photo the other day along the river. The goose is actually standing in shallow water through which you can see goosey footprints.


Lowell said...

That's beautiful, Bibi. I know not about geese's blue eyes, but this photo is so can easily see the shine and delineation of the wings.

Gaelyn said...

Now you have me wondering if all geese are blue eyed. Great capture.

Thérèse said...

Time to join the meme theme "Weekend Reflections" started this weekend by
James from Newton Area Photo.
I did...

Crafty Green Poet said...

what a lovely photo, geese are such characterful birds, don't know whether they all have blue eyes..

Marie-Noyale said...

Pure magical white feathers!!

Alexa said...

Beautiful luminescent feathers too! But this goose looks like it might bite you any second now if you don't get out of there—which I assume is just what you did.

marley said...

Old blue eyes! Great photo Bibi.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

oh i like this capture...

soulbrush said...

never got that close to one to really look, magical shot.

Michel Benoit said...

Bibi, vous faites des photos magnifiques.
Et je vous remercie pour vos compliments !
J'avais oublié que nous arrivions au 1er octobre... Mince, que vais-je publier ?

Bibi, you make wonderful pictures.
And thank you for your compliments !
I had forgotten that we arrived on 1 October ... Gee, what did I publish?


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.