Saturday, September 5, 2009

South of the Border in Belgrade

Yes, this really is Belgrade, and not another photo from my California trip this summer. This cheery lemon-colored wall I found in Zemun, one of Belgrade's adjacent municipalities. Nice, healthy-looking cacti, too!


Kate said...

The lemon-yellow wall is quite striking and frames the window and cacti very well.

Lowell said...

I always look for striking colors to photograph and you sure hit the jackpot on this one. What a great array! I love it!

Virginia said...

LOVE this colorful wall and the window sill. Also think your banner is just fab Bibi!

Leif Hagen said...

Wonderful mix of colors and textures! Ouch! those cacti hurt! Welcome back home to Belgrade!

Alexa said...

Wow—those colors are brilliant. And the composition is great. This reminds me of houses in Burano too.

B SQUARED said...

This is really beautiful, Bibi.

Richard Lawry said...

What a warm bright colorful photo.

An Arkies Musings

Jilly said...

A happy photo with all those colours.

Thérèse said...

Peu de risques de se piquer...
Une belle définition photographique "d'encadrement."

Saretta said...

Wow! What an exciting splash of color!

Kim said...

What a great find! I love the little cactus garden on the sill. So cheerful and in bloom, too! Beautiful scene.

Gunn said...

So simple and nice.
Beautiful colors!:-)

marley said...

Someone loves colour in their life! Great photo.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Again with the succlulent primary. My world is so drab here, the building. This is so warming.


 This blue kitty appears on the Faculty of Dramatic Arts wall *that's what those letters stand for*, just across the street from me. See...