Friday, October 2, 2009

Skywatch-- Black Crows, Gray Sky

It's been fairly sunny recently, but it is now October, and gray skies may not be too far off.

Take a look at other Skywatches.


Perry said...

This is a great monochrome shot. I see things like this and think "Ho Hum" when I am taking the shot. When others take the shot, as you have, I get it. Makes me wonder what they are up to, devious little buggers that they are!

squirrel said...

WOW!m I do believe this is one of the best I have seen today. Really really nice.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

like this capture very much...

James said...

Great shot Bibi. It reminds me of a book that I loved as child it was called "Black is Beautiful"

blackbird said...

Your crows are just like my crows- on the wire outside of my house.

They are such interesting birds to watch and with their ingenuity and close family bonds- they might serve as an example to us all.

Lowell said...

That is a shot to crow about!

clairz said...

This is an absolutely lovely shot. Thank you for sharing.

Virginia said...

Caw, caw, caw! HA
PS This is a Halloween shot!

Thérèse said...

But I like very much the picture.

Japa said...

Crows are not a typical sight in our place. It should be interesting.

Regina said...

Amazing. Great shot Bibi.
I was able to capture scene like this outside my window.
Happy weekend.

B SQUARED said...

One looks a little more worse for the wear.

Alexa said...

Jacob said it best! This is a super shot, very "film noir." ("The Birds" in b&w)

Juliette said...

You have definitely captured an ambiance of foreboding. Two dark brooding silhouettes, heads turned ... awaiting. Biding their time. They know something. They remember something. Crows never forget a face ...

Bob Crowe said...

Ah, my Serbian cousins.

Gaelyn said...

You were cetainly in the right place for this one. Another excellent capture.

marley said...

Great photo.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.