Wednesday, November 18, 2009

ABC WEDNESDAY-R is for Reputation

It's not an obvious R here, but 'na dobrom glasu' means 'a good reputation,' and is also a play on words for this billboard advertising Fitosept, a throat lozenge. 'Dobrom glasu' can also mean 'a good voice,' which is what you will allegedly get back if you suck on Fitosept.

P.S. I don't think you have to balance the lozenge like that.... ;)



Sylvia K said...

Oh, how funny! And a great R word for the day! Thanks for the giggles!



photowannabe said...

Whew, I'm glad I don't have to balance like that...besides my tongue isn't that long. Its kind of creepy.

SparkleFarkel said...

Man! I'm thinking the lady in the billboard ad might be circus material.

Great "R"!

Gaelyn said...

That's a very provacative image, especially when you don't know what the words mean.

Mara said...

Well, she certainly has some tongue! Love your r though, very different.

Glennis said...

I don't think I have the tongue for this balancing act so my voice will not be improving at all.

Leslie: said... think men would like this image! *hee hee*

Thérèse said...

Funny! and huge!
That's an impressive number of street signs underneath the billboard.

jabblog said...

Great fun - but surely her tongue has been 'enhanced' or she'd choke?

Pat said...

Jablog, yes, I think the creator of this ad 'stretched' the truth a bit!

moongipsies said...

ummmmmmmm wow. Interesting ad though....

Rose said...

Interesting that the same phrase can mean both a good reputation and a good voice...but I do see a connection.

This model must be related to Gene Simmons (of KISS):)

B SQUARED said...

I don't think they would allow that sign here.

Ming the Merciless said...

Actually, I'm more surprised at the length/size of her tongue. :-) said...

this is hysterical! great capture Bibi and perfect for todays "R"!

Roger Owen Green said...

I'm sure I have a response to that tongue, but not for decent folks...

Lowell said...

Yikes! Certainly gains attention which is what advertising is all about but the way the tongue is portrayed doesn't seem all that attractive...

Hope you're doing well.

Tumblewords: said...

Amazing! I wonder if she speaks in tongues? :) Great R.

Q said...

Maybe I am "different" but I was wondering how in the world anyone could balance a ball like that on a tongue.....
Great R!

marley said...

That is a seriously long tongue! Lol!

marley said...

Reptilian tongue! Another R!

Alexa said...

I'm laughing (even though tongues kinda creep me out). I like it when you post in two languages.

PJ said...

That is so funny and so bizarre! Advertising in other countries always seems so off-kilter but I'm sure they fee the same way about us.

James said...

If she was dating Gene Simmons they could "KISS" eachother from across the room.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I have been seeing the signs all over town, but I didn't know about the double-meaning of na dobrom glasu. It makes a lot more sense now.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.