Thursday, November 19, 2009

Drawing on the window....

The other day I had the opportunity to chaperone two kindergarten classes from our school on a trip to the Ethnographic Museum. The 25 or so kids were much better behaved than some of the older classes I'd helped before...and so, so interested in everything in the museum and out.

This little girl, the daughter of a colleague of mine, was happily puffing on the window and drawing little pictures....


Chuck Pefley said...

What absolute fun. Don't you just love the curiosity of little people this age? Everything about them is cause for exploration and play! Great photo, Bibi!

PJ said...

That's a wonderful, wonderful photo, Bibi. You've portrayed the wonder of being a child perfectly.

Leif Hagen said...

My daughters would do the same - breathe on the window ...

Gaelyn said...

You have captured an essence of childhood with the magic of a glass canvas. I want to go do that now and my windows are cold enough.
A marvelous photo.

Virginia said...

Oh Bibi, a precious photo. Bravo!

Thérèse said...

Pure joy of a "stop in time."

Lowell said...

Omigod! What a perfect photo of childhood play. And who can't remember doing the very same thing. Just goes to show some things never change.

Lovely photo!

Lydia said...

I love your blog -- one of my best friends is a Serbian living in the US. I love to see pictures of the city where she studied as a college student.

Thanks for sharing! said...

Oh my goodness this is priceless Bibi! LOve this!

James said...

Another great shot that would be perfect for the Weekend Reflections meme.

lodolite said...

lovely photo!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.