Friday, November 13, 2009

SKYWATCH FRIDAY--Pink streaks!

Days are getting shorter and shorter... Recently from inside a restaurant I snapped this photo of the trails two airplanes had left on the violet sky.



Thérèse said...

Planes are the only ones to know how to draw not only straight but also colored lines in the sky, aren't they?

Gaelyn said...

Whenever I see contrails I wonder where they're going. Nice shot.

Lowell said...

I don't think I've ever seen pink vapor trails...very pretty, Bibi!

Virginia said...

Love how you caught the sky but hte leaves in focus.
V said...

I don't think I have ever seen pink trails like that before! very pretty.

i said...

Pink trails! How unusual!

Pat said...

Hello, all, and thank you for stopping by. This is a little message for Mia, who often comments here: Mia, you wrote me a nice email thru a comment about shelling peas with your grandmother. PLEASE send me an email by clicking on Contact on my profile. I want to answer you in more detail, and your comment just has the 'noreply' address.

James said...

Hi Bibi it's great that you will be returning again to your old stomping grounds. :) For sure let me know when your in town. I don't know if was Johnny Appleseed that they were talking about, buut it very well could be.

Your skywatch picture is really nice. I like the color and the way the trees and leaves frame the sky.

eileeninmd said...

Love the pink trails. Great photo! Happy Skywatching.

Glennis said...

Plane trails help to create some great sky photos.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.