Thursday, December 17, 2009

Great-great grandfather's painting

Am still pretty much housebound, so I decided to copy Chuck in Seattle a bit by photographing a painting, my favorite one from my childhood. This painting, which hung in my grandmother's dining room and now hangs in mine, was painted by my great-great grandfather, Benjamin I. Lingle, around 1860. I have quite a few more of his, but this is my favorite.


XAPT said...

What a great painting. You know, one of the first things you start painting in art classes even today is fruit - making your family art both timeless and a great story to boot. I hope you're feeling better soon. It's a shame your great-great grandfather didn't enjoy eating the apple peels... they say that's where a lot of the good stuff is found!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

a fab piece of family art...i like this very much.
have a wonderful week.

Bob Crowe said...

Art imitates life, or the opposite? But quite a treasure to pass through the generations.

Lowell said...

That's quite charming! He was a good painter. Do you paint as well?

B SQUARED said...

Looks like a still-life of a still-life.

Virginia said...

I"m thinking being a homebound agrees with you, our dear BIbi. Oh I wish I were close enough to bring you some homemade vegetable/chicken soup I just made. Take good care my friend.

LOVELY photo!! said...

Wow! your great great GrandDad was very talented!
Aww! poor Bibi, I hope you feel better soon.
Have you heard that gargling daily with warm salted water or water & peroxide actually inhibits the growth of viruses so they don't multiply & spread inside your body? Dr Oz ( a popular DR & TV personality here in the U.S.)wrote about it to help people with flu prevention. He also recommended swabbing one's nose with a Q-tip soaked in the same solution as a daily ritual. I tried it at the first sign of a cold I had a week or so ago & kept doing it & my cold was gone within three and a half days. I was amazed because I never had a cold cured so quickly.

Louis la Vache said...

Nicely composed with the addition of the fresh apples to the image! «Louis» hopes you are feeling better and shake this soon!

Jilly said...

it would be my favourite too, I'm sure. This is just fabulous!

Kim said...

This is lovely, and its fun to share this little bit of your family treasures and history. I would love to see the whole painting someday. Hey, are those Fuji apples? I'm inspired and am heading into the kitchen to make a fresh pot of coffee and a piece of toast with apple butter a friend made me. Such an influence you have on us!
Hope you can get out and about soon.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.