Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ABC Wednesday "V" is for "vespertine"

Yes, here I go again trying to find a word that fits ABC Wednesday, but this one isn't so bad. "Vespertine" means "related to the evening" and this is exactly when I took this photo, last evening. We've had about a foot of snow, and it's still falling lightly.

Have fun and join ABC WEDNESDAY.


Sylvia K said...

What an exquisite capture, Bibi! It really took my breath away! Love the tracks in the snow. Reminds me of when I lived in Montana and my kids had paper routes and had to start at about 5 in the morning and I sometimes went with them just for fun. With deep snow and it was so quiet that it was almost as though we were the only ones in the world! And we'd find ourselves whispering to one another! Lovely memories! Thank you!

Have a great day/evening/both!


Mara said...

Oh, that is so pretty and peaceful. It reminds me of the time my brother and I did a treasure hunt in the freshly fallen snow! Good memories and a fantastic photo.

Michael Valčić said...

Lovely photo, such a great winter scene.

marley said...

That is a really beautiful photo. It looks magical. Stay warm!

Rob said...

Beautiful photo, a winter wonderland!

Antjas said...

Glad to see you are feeling well enough to go outside. It would be a shame to miss such a lovely snowfall.

cara said...

What a gorgeous shot.

Leif Hagen said...

A lovely, snowy, night photo! Does anyone use a snowblower there?

Louis la Vache said...

Are you feeling better? «Louis» hopes so!

Tumblewords: said...

What a picture that is! I've never used the word vespertine so it's fun to learn more about it and to see it so vividly shown!

Lowell said...

Superb. I can see this as a cover to a mystery novel, titled "A Few Steps to Danger."

Wayne said...


Bob Crowe said...

Og, Bibi, this is beautiful. The light is simply perfect.

Thérèse said...

Marvelous but was it "raisonnable" to go out in the snow? What about your cold?

Tash said...

the photo is magical.
...and now that you've explained the word - vespers, of course.

Jama said...

It's such a beautiful shot !

Chuck Pefley said...

Lovely, Bibi! BW just enhances this image!

Your silver garlic is amazing, by the way.

Hope you're feeling better by now!

B SQUARED said...

I'm chilled just looking at it.

Misfit in Paradise said...

Yet another lovely photo. Your pictures are always amazing.

Roger Owen Green said...

Amazing shot. Hmm - is the term "evening vespers" a bit redundant, then?

Alexa said...

This is magical, especially in b&w. Glad you're out & about finally. Must say though— you've been posting some wonderful photos while you've been house-bound. Love the silver garlic.

Petrea Burchard said...

Haunting. Lovely.

Kim said...

This is very beautiful. If it weren't for the cold I would crave this kind of serenity year round. Is the light from your window? It really makes the scene and your composition "sing."

jay said...

Wow, that is a most beautiful picture! Frame it!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.