Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Out to lunch?

Slowly getting better, but this is a shot from a couple of weeks ago...now this sidewalk would be covered with snow, since it fell last night.

Anyway, looks like the accordionist stepped out for a bit. Trusting fellow, leaving his instrument behind.


Louis la Vache said...

No kidding! If he had done this around here, particularly in The People's Republic of Berserkeley, all that would have been gone before he was ten steps away!

Amazing that it wasn't stolen!

Louis la Vache said...

BTW - «Louis» hopes this finds you feeling MUCH better!

Lowell said...

Glad to hear you're improving.

Re: the musician's stuff...I have a feeling he is close by and ready to pounce if anyone tried to steal it.

Then again, who can play the accordion these days?

Bob Crowe said...

That's a very poignant picture. The music has gone away for now. Is Belgrade a city where it is generally safe to leave something as valuable as an accordion on the street? The only place I thought you could do something like that was Japan.

Leif Hagen said...

Excuse me, Madame! Couldn't you wait here until the accordion player returns in just a couple of minutes?!

Jilly said...

Perhaps he's within sight of his accordion. Glad to hear you are feeling a little better.

B SQUARED said...

I couldn't help but notice the graffiti on the wall. What a shame.

Kim said...

Even buskers must obey the call of nature from time to time. I'm wondering since both hands are busy when playing the accordion, how is the drum incorporated into the music? Maybe a "one man band" foot paddle? And, that's a horn case, so he/she is a multi-instrumentalist? Nothing more exciting than the promise of live music. This shot is so appealing visually. I just love your photography.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.