Monday, December 14, 2009

Silver garlic

Staying indoors and mainly in bed prompts me to do a lot of reading. I've reread The Secret Life of Bees and am almost finished with The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society. Between those, I have reread cover-to-cover the Masters of Contemporary Photography series, featuring such photographers as Annie Liebovitz (see the link) and my personal favorite, Duane Michals. Stimulating stuff for my feverish brain, which along with my camera, produced the above silver garlic for you. It was that or oranges or lemons, which I squeeze daily!

Tomorrow something else from my apartment, or else a photo taken before my germs moved in.


marley said...

Very arty shot Bibi.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Glennis said...

Nice garlic shot, I hope you are soon well, eat that garlic along with your citrus juices and you soon will be, or at least there will be no vampires around your house! Haha.

Thérèse said...

Pretty nice Garlic composition!
Any germs portraits before they all disappear? lol
Thyme + apple peels (not potato peels ok?) works wonders agains a cold.

B SQUARED said...

I have been looking for silver garlic. My store never seems to carry it. Get well!

Marie Reed said...

I found a great site for a bed ridden gal!
They are audiobooks in the public domain! There is a huge selection in French too:)

James said...

What a cool shot! I really hope you feel better soon.

Virginia said...

Are you ill again dear Bibi??? Awwwww! Well when I'm sick I lie on the sofa and watch the box! You're more productive! The photography series has inspired you no end. That garlic is GORGEOUS!!!

Jilly said...

This is beautiful, Bibi. Well done. Thanks also for all those links. I loved The Secret Life of Bees.

Tash said...

Great still life.
I enjoyed Secret Lives...didn't get into the Gurnsey book, but I will try it again since a book club is reading it for January.
Hope you are 100% better any day.

XAPT said...

Lovely - what a great photo. Wings of garlic!

Kim said...

Wow! Fevered brain plus inspiration plus skill and gear and wonderful lighting and VIOLA! A masterpiece. This is so nice!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.