Thursday, January 28, 2010

"April showers bring May flowers"...

...or so goes the saying! But hey, it's not even April yet and these flowers look more like the fully-blossomed summer variety. This rainspout next to a butcher shop on a local market was really pimped up with the kind of flowers that bloom all year long, in any weather... :)


Tash said...

'Пимп' мој олук? одлив? I'm cracking up. You've got potential for a good theme there! Really fun & pretty find.

But the poster of the meat products is what got my attention - oh, for some really good "сланине". Or I cannot remember the name but it's little fried bits of pork - sort of like pork rinds but it's not the skin, but bacon...or lard from a roast on fresh bread with a bit of paprika...

Lowell said...

These grow in Belgrade all year? Amazing. So very colorful. But who did this - the meat shop folks? Whatever, it certainly brightens up a winter's day!

James said...

That is one fancy drain pipe, but
who needs flowers when you can have meat instead. lol. Hmmm That sounded strange. How about this. The flowers look nice but the meat looks delicious. :)

Luis Gomez said...

Flowers are good anytime! Bring the color in. (and the meat)

Pat said...


What you're referring to, I think, are 'cvarci' (CHVAR-tsee), tiny pieces of meat that are skimmed off the pork fat. Cholesterol watchers, beware.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, sausages.

walk2write said...

Thanks for showing us an interesting slice of life in your town. I'll be back for more.

Lowell said...

Hi answer your question on Ocala DP - there are no crocs in Central Florida so far as I know...some in South Florida, though. Mostly we have alligators in Ocala waterways.

Chuck Pefley said...

Hah! All you need is a nice dusting of snow on these -:)
My eyes may be playing tricks, but those colorful lovelies appear to be mace of something other than organic material ... ?


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.