Sunday, February 28, 2010

Never on Sunday...or even Saturday....

This weekend I am attending a workshop at our school....9 to 4 both days....need I say more? Even these bright markers didn't cheer me up!


Gaelyn said...

Oh, poor Bibi. Have fun and play with the colored markers. ;-)

Marianne said...

A bummer for sure. Maybe there was something new? scintillating? There comes a point...

Yvi said...


Nice colours...have fun...
I like it!


Thérèse said...

No respect for those who blog on Saturday and Sunday... shame on them...
Hope you can recuperate this time spent at school later.

Gibepregiba said...

Cant believe, I was just looking for marker. Can I borrow one? :)

Chuck Pefley said...

It's almost like doing detention isn't it?

Bright colors do help a little but not to mark off the whole weekend!

Alexa said...

That seems eminently unfair—to make you work the entire weekend. Hope that the workshop was at least useful (if nothing else, it did inspire a great photo!).

Virginia said...

As a former teacher, I almost started having rapid breathing over the sight of those fab markers till you uttered the words.......over the weekend. There ought to be a law against that! Tell em I said so!!!

My WV is thitt. Pardon, but weekend workshops are a bunch of THITT! HA

Tash said...

Bummer. Time to play hookey on Monday...but you can't cuz all the students count on you. I like the cheery photo.

Suburban Girl said...

I do have a love for colored markers...I used to teach too. I think its in the blood.

PJ said...

They cheer me up, we're having rain and cold and even the cats don't want to go outside. Tanks.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.