Monday, March 1, 2010

Theme Day--Passageways

This is a passageway in downtown Belgrade that leads from the Zeleni Venac market under a major street with several exits. This passageway is usually jam-packed with what I call 'pack and run' sellers, who carry their merchandise in large bags and display it on cardboard boxes. They're always on the alert for the police, and once I was caught in the midst of a stampede of exiting sellers. This photo was taken on a rainy day, which you can probably guess at by the wet floor where people have walked, and I imagine the sellers thought business wouldn't be good.

But this street musician remains hopeful.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Lowell said...

Hmmm...looks kinda scary! I wouldn't want to walk through there on a moonless night, I don't think! Great b&w photo, though!

Thérèse said...

These kind of sellers can be seen in Paris too.

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Great photo, although I wouldn't fancy walking there alone.
Melbourne Daily Photo

Gaelyn said...

Guess everybody has to make a living, but this could be hard. Great capture. I always so enjoy your candid shots about town.

Yvi said...

Good morning,

a good photo...

I think, I`m as a woman, don`t want to walk through at night!

Greetings and have a nice week

Louis la Vache said...

...the musician remained hopeful and the graffiti monster paid a visit... said...

I can hear the rain falling just by looking at this photo. This would be an interesting place to take multiple photos of under different circumstances depending on how much light & people are there.

Kim said...

Ah, covered passage on a rainy day, with music no less, and great urban atmosphere. . .what more could a city girl want! :-) Very cool shot for theme day. I had to fight my first instinct to post another Post Alley graffiti passage take for this themem so glad you covered that type of atmosphere here. And, very glad to hear you survived the stampede!

Tash said...

VERY urban, very cosmopolitan. Excellent TD photo.

Chuck Pefley said...

Those sellers are very aggressive ... and quick. Lucky you survived the exodus! Great way to get out of the rain in a covered passageway.

Jilly said...

Really good idea for the theme, Bibi. And surprisingly not much graffiti.

B SQUARED said...

Could be any big city anywhere. Those "merchants" must have a large extended family.

Kitty said...

I like the atmosphere here and the light at the end of the tunnel!

Julie said...

great ambience and I really like street musicians

Daryl said...

Fabulous and you know here street vendors selling rip off phony copies of expensive watches, perfume and handbags all roll that way too ... ever ready to run .. two summers ago I snapped pix at a street fair of a faux perfume vendor being handcuffed!

Great photo, look at all the memories its awakened

Chin said...

first of all -Thanks for your sweet comment.
I really appreciated it.

Good to look this theme in B/W photo.

Ineke said...

the best way to think of a passageway!

Virginia said...

What a terrific interpretation Bibi. I hope he made a few coins.

Leif Hagen said...

Bibi - a great under the street passageway snap for theme day! I wonder if his music was any good?

Suburban Girl said...

Makes for a great b&w photo.

PJ said...

Life in the big city! I like it in monochrome, it really sets of the wet walkway and the intensity of the story.

doot said...

2 things:

1) To the commentators that said they wouldn't feel safe walking at night - Belgrade is a very safe city when it comes to this.

2) To the photographer - Too bad you cut out the massive "death to faggots" that's been written all over that wall for the last 6 months in that passage.

Pat said...

Doot---Nothing was cropped off this photo. I erased no graffiti.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.