Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sun on Seltzer

If these look a teeny familiar for you longer-term readers of mine, you saw them all in blue right here. Passing by this shop the other day, I saw these seltzer bottles in different colors, with the sun reflecting through.

This post is for James'REFLECTION WEEKEND series, and especially because his birthday is today! Happy Birthday from another Aquarian in Belgrade!


Carletta said...

I love all the colors!

Leif Hagen said...

Cute collection! They seem to be in a cozy place!

Luis Gomez said...

Beautiful shot! Nice colors.

Serendipity said...

Cool reflections!

Lowell said...

Very pretty...might really relate to someone who's emotions are all bottled up inside! ;-)

Kat said...

I really like this shot! The colors are wonderful, and you caught them just right. And I haven't seen a selzter bottle in years - what fun! Kathy

Dimple said...

Very colorful, and the glass distorts the light coming through is interesting ways!

Gaelyn said...

Nice colorful collection of seltzer bottles, not something seen every day around here. Great capture of the light playing on the glass.

Pat said...

I love the shapes and different colors of these bottles! said...

beautiful reflections Bibi. I especially like the lime green bottle.

Chuck Pefley said...

That sure is a colorful collection. I wouldn't have resisted these either -:)

Anonymous said...

Such a simply creative and colorful shot. It's amazing what we find when we just become aware of the little things around us. So nicely done!

You can find mine here:
Weekend Reflection ~ Ghostly Images

Thérèse said...

Full in the morning, empty at night?
A pretty cool picture!

James said...

I love the colors and the eir reflections. I've always liked seltzer bottles.

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Mim said...

I love old seltzer bottles and have a few from the 1940's. I never put them in the sun..but will now to see what happens.

Louis la Vache said...

Nice capture of the play of the light through the bottles. ;-)

Tash said...

Super clever and super interesting reflection.

Kitty said...

very pretty photo. I love seltzer bottles for some reason.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.