Saturday, February 27, 2010

Three crosses and a gull

A seagull down by the Danube. There appear to be three crosses on this photo, though one is actually the top of the mast of the ship where the seagull is perched. The two real crosses are on Belgrade's main church and patriarchy, which stand across the Danube from where I took the photo.


Anonymous said...

Hi. Would that be the Saborna Crkva? Did you mean "Sava" instead of Danube?


Gemma Wiseman said...

Quite a mystical perspective! The sacred in contrast with the materialistic!

Lowell said...

I've heard you should never cross a gull - especially if you have food in your hand!

Sorry, just playing with words.

Very interesting pic!

Gaelyn said...

Once again your eye for compostion and interesting images shows thru excellently.

Pat said...

Hello, Anaaonymous (knez!) Yes, it is the Saborna Crkva. I think, but am not 100 percent sure, that it is still the Danube in front of the church, and it 'turns into' the Sava just shortly afterwards.

Kim said...

Super cool shot! That gull's beak looks very different from any I've seen in these parts. Neat markings, too. I like your 3 crosses, and wow, what a shape to that spire! We know we are in Belgrade!

Alexa said...

Love this composition! Not everyone would have "seen" this shot—you have a great eye.

Pat said...

Me again. I Googled and it is the Danube River, not the Sava. See this site.>

Saretta said...

This is an amazing photo, almost surreal!

Louis la Vache said...

Excellent composition, Bibi!

PJ said...

What a nice moody, perspective that is, Bibi. Just mentioning the Danube puts me in a waltzy schmaltzy kind of mood.

doot said...

How can you have lived in Belgrade for so long and not know which is the Sava and which is the Danube?

One of the crosses in the picture belongs to Saborna Church and the lower one belongs to the Patriarchy building across the street.

Pat said...

Doot, I know what the crosses are and to which buildings they belong, but as for the river, it's so close, and anyone can make a mistake, even you, if you see your other comment on Passageways.

For such complaints, kindly use the email link, since your profile leaves no such link for me to write you back.


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