Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ABC Wednesday-- 'I' is for 'Internationally intermingled'

Nope, no blankets for sale! Is that what you thought? So did I at first, when I saw this sign on on a wall of Hotel Jugoslavija that you can read somewhat outdated information about right here. I'd just walked passed another sign on a floating restaurant that read 'Fine Dinning,' so I figured the same poor speller made this sign for 'blankets' and forgot the 'l'.

Not so. 'Premier Halls,' a Belgrade firm using an English name, is advertising 'banket sale' (in Serbian) or 'banquet rooms.' A little confusing at first....

See what others have posted today on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Sylvia K said...

That could be confusing alright!! But it is colorful! What a fun post for the day! Have a great week!


Unknown said...

is there still the Hotel Metropol in Beograd?

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» thought perhaps it is the same person who makes all the translation errors on the menus of Chinese restaurants...

Stan Ski said...

Two restaurrants I'd walk past, for two different reasons.

photowannabe said...

Fascinating words. These blogs are so interesting. I learn so much information when visiting.

Lowell said...

It's funny what your mind tells you what you see even when that isn't what you see. I would have sworn that word was "blanket"!

Banket for banquet does make some sense.

PJ said...

I'll let you sort it out. It is so funny to see one culture filtering another though. Americans are murder on "ferners". said...

you just had me do a double take! good one Bibi.
: )

Unknown said...

Ah... different language, amazing right?

Just want to wish you HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!

Have you a great one!



Oscar Wilde-The IRISH Gentleman


Lowell said...

Hi! Re your comment on Ocala DP - Isn't riding horses like riding bikes ... you never really forget how to do it? :-)

Jay said...

Hahaha! Which is exactly why spelling is so important, isn't it? LOL!

B SQUARED said...

What is a confused shopper to do?

Daryl said...

And I thought well they're selling the cushioned seating in a dining room.. we call those banquets ..

Monika said...

Interesting :)

Suburban Girl said...

Very interesting!

Roger Owen Green said...

intriguing, inscrutable...

belladana said...

Interesting info!

Nishant said...

What a great post
work at home in india


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