Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Little Rista is Missing

I see a lot of these posters for lost dogs. This one says little Rista, a miniature pinscher, was hit by a car, got scared, and ran off. He had no collar, and most people here don't know that some dogs may have microchips with their i.d. embedded. It's required by law now and low-cost microchipping is available, but many owners don't have their dog chipped, for whatever reason.

I was sort of tempted to call and see if someone had returned him, but if they hadn't, I'd end up making the owner feel worse.


Thérèse said...

Rista's poster seems to have found the right place to be read.
Not only dogs but children get microchips nowadays...

Olivier said...

j'espère que ces affiches dans la ville , réussiront a retrouver Rista

Suburban Girl said...

Oh that is sad. I do hope he is home again.

Bob Crowe said...

The poster is poignant but the wall it's on is out of sight. It looks like an abstract expressionist painting with an electronic device embedded in it. Brilliant irony.

PJ said...

Oh, that's so heart wrenching. I was letting the house air out and opened the back door, next thing I know Ranger was nowhere to be found. I eventually rounded him up but it was so distressing. I do so hope Rista comes back home!

Alexa said...

Yes, here's hoping the little guy finds his way back home. If microchips are required by law, I'm surprised everyone doesn't know about it. We all see signs like this, but don't you wish that if the owners do get their dog back, they'd put up another sign that says so?
Don't they know that we care?

dianasfaria.com said...

He looks so sweet.
the thought of not knowing has to be the worst. I just hope that if he isn't found by the owner, someone is caring for him.

Jilly said...

Oh dear, how v sad. That shot is amazing with that extraordinary wall. So hope the dog is found.

Daryl said...

Those chips are only good if the owner activates them. And apparently there's a fee to do that here anyway .. I dont know what it costs but recently my sister tried to reunite a lost kitty with its owners only to learn the chip wasnt activated .. I was telling my vet about this and he said that every rescue - cat or dog - is now 'tagged' with one of these chips BUT if the adoptive owners dont .. well as I said its got to be activated.

I hope Rista and his/her owner are reunited.

B SQUARED said...

We have lots of horror stories of pets with the chips. A good idea in theory.

Pat said...

Daryl, I think that may be a different kind of chip. The microchips for dogs here (and I thought in the US) are inserted just under the skin on the left shoulder of the animal. You need a little reader, similar to the thing they scan you with at the airport, to detect it and read the info. No activation. Naturally, vets have these readers and if someone who finds a dog takes it to a vet, he can read the chip and find the owner.

prashant said...

how v sad. That shot is amazing with that extraordinary wall. So hope the dog is found.
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Kitty said...

oh how sad!! oh no.
what a darling dog. I hope he's not terribly injured. I can't imagine why dogs don't have collars there?

beautiful image, too, though disturbing.

Virginia said...

Rista Come Home!! Great photo Bibi.

Jilly said...

Have you heard if he's been found?


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