Monday, March 29, 2010

From a doorway

Waiting for the bus in Zemun, as seen through the grillwork on a door.


Lowell said...

And why were you behind the door? Were you waiting for the bus, also, or just hiding there to get this very expressive photo?

Dimple said...

Wonderful photo!

Louis la Vache said...

Very nice, Bibi! It almost looks like stained glass.

Olivier said...

une belle grille de fenetre avec une belle profondeur de champs

Chuck Pefley said...

The inmates seem to be out for fresh air and exercise, eh?

Tash said...

It gives me a wistful feeling (in a good way). Beautiful - like a poem.

Kcalpesh said...

Nice example of depth of field! Love the blurred background against the sharp wrought iron design!

Pixellicious Photos

Marianne said...

love the wrought iron.

B SQUARED said...

There are lots of worse places to wait for a bus.

James said...

I like the details on the door and I also like the bokeh view it has nice looking colors and shapes. It really makes the people look interesting.

p.s. I know just what you mean. I hope to have a little fun with it in a future post. :p

Daryl said...

So I have to take everyone else's word for the wonderfulness that is your photo today .. frickin Blogger is hiding photos ... 5 out of 6 blogs I have visited now are missing the photos!

Daryl said...

Its back and its beautiful .. I, as you know, love wrought iron ...

Alexa said...

This is just beautiful, Bibi!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.