Friday, March 12, 2010

Snow cupcakes!

Well, guess what the weather is...again. I decided to take advantage of the snow to make my friend Marianne in NYC some cupcakes for her birthday. Lo-cal for sure.

Here's to you, Marianne, on your birthday!


Chuck Pefley said...

Real "melt in your mouth goodness" and guilt free, for sure!


Olivier said...

j'adore la nappe avec la Skyline de NYC ;)

Yvi said...


What a funny and lovely idea...


Louis la Vache said...

Trés amusante!

Leif Hagen said...

Happy Birthday Marianne! I just hope she eats them before they melt away!

Tash said...

You are so funny and so sweet...well, maybe not, that's it! The image is just great.
Happy B-day, Marianne!

Daryl said...

Happy Birthday Marianne ..

Its raining here today so its good those are there or they'd be melted/washed away like the remaining snow

B SQUARED said...

A very Happy Birthday to her!

James said...

That is very creative! I also like the NYC theme below the melt in your mouth treats. :)

Jilly said...

I love the quality of this photograph. It's beautiful misty background and the flame is perfect. Petty nice little cakes too!

You were right about the blettes, but it didn't rhyme with cochon!

Kim said...

Between Chuck and Tash's comments, I'm cracking up. Such witty friends. And you, so clever. I love the way the snowy woods beyond echo the the feeling of the black city skyline of New York below. The candle light is charming. A very lovely and thoughtful birthday wish (and you've not only given her a low-cal treat, but given her a youthful number of candles as well. I'm sure Marianne is feeling great right now!

Alexa said...

Happy Birthday, Marianne! Don't you miss edible snow? (It's already filthy by the time it hits the ground here where we live.) I so enjoyed the day we spent together with Bibi and Lily H. Hope you have a wonderful b-day!
(Hey, Bibi, did you get that NYC cloth at Fishs Eddy?)

Suburban Girl said...

I sure like the lo-cal idea. But how do they taste? :)

Marianne said...

Hey thanks, Bibi. (no chocolate?) And thanks to everyone for the wishes. I had a great day.

Thérèse said...

What an excellent idea!

prashant said...

What a funny and lovely idea...
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 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.