Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The stalker

What was behind Nikola Pasic the other day? As some readers guessed, it was a very large inflatable, newly-designed bottle of Lav (lion) beer which you can see right here. In this photo you can see the old brown bottle and label, for try as I might, I couldn't find the new green bottle in the stores yet. Murphy's Law will have it that I will find it tomorrow, but in the meantime, just check the 'right here' link above! I went back yesterday to see if the great big bottle was still there, but alas, it had wandered off.

On the double-towered building in the background, you can just make out an advertisement for another Serbian beer, Jelen (stag).


James said...

I love this picture. I would just hate to be standing beneath that bottle. :)

Lowell said...

Yes, but is it any good?

Kcalpesh said...

Hmm... Must have been a great weekend I guess... :-) I have the same question as Jacob :-)

Pixellicious Photos

Bob Crowe said...

A beerscape. What a good idea. You have started a one-woman urban renewal project.

Alexa said...

Well, let's hear it for beer! Drink it rarely, but there are certain times when nothing else will do: at the beach in high summer, or in a quasi-sleazy bar (my brother's in a band that didn't start out on top)—and definitely straight out of the bottle.

dianasfaria.com said...

Bibi, I was just wondering if you'd let us know about this! I had no idea, so thanks for following up on it.
: )

dianasfaria.com said...

oh my gosh, is it really 4 degrees there now?

Chuck Pefley said...

I presume the 4º would be Celsius ...

So, now you're promoting beer?

Last weekend you were "supposedly" involved in a two day school conference ....... but now, I have to wonder ...

Cool image with the echo of the competition in the background. And I must say I'm relieved to see the cap is still intact on this particular bottle! LOL!!

Pat said...

Hello, readers! Yes, the beer(s) are good! I like European beers better than the American ones, since they're not so watered down, for the most part. I do like US microbrews, although I am not a regular consumer of beer.

Lily, it's 4 degrees Celsius, which is above freezing, but still chilly!

soulbrush said...

oh wow i know i don't visit often anymore, but every time i do it takes my breath away, wonderful photos all of them. hope you are well bibi.

Louis la Vache said...

"99 bottle of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer!
You take one down, pass it around, you've 98 bottles of beer on the wall!...."

B SQUARED said...

I need to test it. Send samples. Please!

Daryl said...

LAV? Is that Lowenbrau .. I did a little Googling .. seems Lowenbrau was made here by Miller .. LAV is not the same .. so .. nevermind ...

PJ said...

Pretty clever, I think the beer gods conspired with you on this one.

Bogdan said...

Yes Daryl, Lowenbrau was produced in the same brewery (in Čelarevo) under license. During the sanctions they lost it, but nevertheless continued to produce it under different name but using the same recipe.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.