Wednesday, April 21, 2010

ABC Wednesday "N" is for "Never closed"

The store you see, open round-the-clock, is a 'Sarajevo Burek' place where you can buy yummy burek all day and all night. The burek you see when you click on the link isn't the Sarajevo kind, which is similar, but rolled and not baked in a round pan.

And that's a pretty cool car, too, though I do not know what it is. Anyone? Anyone?
See other 'N's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

Great photograph. Love the little car.

clairz said...

Always wonderful to see street scenes of places far away (from me). Love the car, too.

Michael Valčić said...

Lovely shot! The vintage car really adds to the scene. Not to mention I love burek; especially the apple and cheese ones. =)

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Love the car, although I have no idea what it is. Love the pretty blue flowers in your banner too.

Brenda's Arizona said...

A 1948 Crosley? My husband suggested it, and when I looked at google images, it looks close...

B SQUARED said...

Would make a fabulous 'Woody.' I can almost hear The Beach Boys now.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» is surprised that B SQUARED didn't snag it to replace the FTLDP Staff Yugo Limousine. Actually, «Louis» is more than surprised. He's SHOCKED!

Apparently, B SQUARED is quite loyal to his Yugo...

Thérèse said...

Don't ask me for cars' brands... as long as mine runs... :)
Burek is not my favorite but my husband loves it. It's the first thing he buys when he visits Serbia.

Olivier said...

elle est terrible cette voiture, j'aime son design d'un autre temps

Sylvia K said...

What a fun post for the day! I have no idea what the car is, but I love it! Have a great day!


Troy said...

OK, I read your post, then I clicked over and read what Burek is, and now I am hungry.

Neat post!

On behalf of the ABC Wednesday Team, Thanks for participating this week. Hope you can join us again next week.


Jama said...

I don't know what kind of car that is, but it comes under classic to me. What a rare find.

Филип said...

It's a Fiat 500C Belvedere.

Suburban Girl said...

Neato on the car, it looks old.

Daryl said...

That car looks like those old Woodies .. the Ford station wagons with the 'wood' paneling on the side .. nicely captured.

Alexa said...

Had the same thought as B Squared. And all that surfing will make me hungry for burek, no doubt!

Roger Owen Green said...

Is that a woody or is it just two-tone? I don't know cars, but I grew up in the '50s and we had a woody.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Leif Hagen said...

I love the car!! It makes me think I'm watching a European movie set back in time a few decades!

Richard Lawry said...

Cool car, cool photo. I still wonder what it is.

An Arkies Musings

Sharon Creech said...

Looks like a movie set. . .and the car, how clean and shiny. . .love it.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.