I'm back in Belgrade now, but here is one more collage from Cracow. On the left you see the tower on Saint Mary's church. On right is a close-up where you can see a pair of hands holding a trumpet. Legend has it that in the 13th century the church trumpeter, whose job it was to play the Hejnal, or Hymn to our Lady, was the first one to notice the Tartars advancing on the city. He warned the citizens of Cracow of the upcoming invasion by playing the Hejnal over and over, but unfortunately, a skilled Tartar shot him in the throat with am arrow, cutting the hymn short. Now, every hour a real trumpeter (as opposed to a recording) plays the Hejnał, but stops abruptly where the original trumpeter was cut off.
I named this photo 'The Bugler of Cracow,' for I am musically challenged and confused the two instruments...it was too late to change the title on the collage!
So you left Poland before the tragedy?
Welcome Home! This is a great collage. The two were made for each other just like the story. Great captures.
Yes, Ania. I was shocked to hear about the plane crash; so sorry.
I wouldn't have known the difference!
I would back away from the window if I were him.
I love, love the architecture! You captured it well! Nice Bugler out the window!
Wow what an amazing tradition ... do they do this round the clock?
Bugler, trumpeter—let's not quibble over such details!
The photos are beautiful, and the story is compelling.
Thanks, Bibi!
Such an interesting explanation."Rose flavored icecream! It would be a challenge for me to try and eat one...
The collage is beautiful!
Bugler, trumpeter - we got the point and enjoyed the little history lesson! We won't quibble at all over the detail of the name of the instrument...
A very skilled archer indeed! Sure glad nobody was slinging arrows at me when I played trumpet (in a pre-historic lifetime).
Great photo, bringing back memories of when I stood in the same square one beautiful August morning a few years ago.
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