Monday, April 5, 2010


The other day my NYC blogger friend, Daryl, at Out and About in New York City posted a photo which reminded me of this one I took about a year ago while I was sitting a a bus stop. I guess I was just waiting for the right inspiration to post it! That's the Belgrade Arena across the street, where I'll be going to see Walking with Dinosaurs this coming Friday. I am currently in Poland, and hope to have a Polish photo for you tomorrow. No joke.


Juliette said...

Amazing trompe-l'oeil tatoo!

Louis la Vache said...


Now «Louis» is going to move on before Mme la Vache wonders why he is looking at (ahem) buns. Somehow, he thinks that she might not buy the excuse that he went to L'école boulangerie in Paris...

Chuck Pefley said...

BIBI!!! Aghast I am! LOL!! Probably a good thing you're out of the country -:)

James said...

What's worse a back wedgie or a front one? I guess both would be the worst. No Polish wedgies please. :)

Marie-Noyale said...

If it was not for the pocket and the embroidery it could almost be bare skin!!!
Hope you enjoy your time in POland said...

You are too funny Bibi! I love your sense of humor.

Gaelyn said...

How could that possibly be comfortable? Once again you've captured a candid shot that says Too much. ;-)

Olivier said...

Amusant comme theme de photo ;) et belle macro ;)

Daryl said...

I think she now has to marry those pants .. someone needs to be her friend and get her a mirror .. LOVE IT .. fabulous catch!

Eleonora Baldwin said...

Ahi ahi ahi ahiiii!! Painful.

Alexa said...

You made me laugh—and also gave me the courage to someday post the "extreme VPL" picture I couldn't help but take at a wedding I attended last year.

Kim said...

Oh, Bibi! It is a wonderfully composed shot. . . I still can't bring myself to post shots that put people in a deliberately embarrassing light. Doesn't mean I'm not tempted to take the shot, just that I won't post 'em ;^). This is a great humorous shot. Hope you are enjoying Poland.

Tash said...

I swear I was not in Belgrade a year ago. ;) (But then it's obviouosly a younger person in the photo). Wonderful, well framed, funny shot, Bibs.

Leif Hagen said...

That photo just CRACKS me up!!

Kitty said...

eek. What a view!
I'm surprised the person didn't hear your shutter click on this one.

Jilly said...

Love it!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!