Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ABC Wednesday "R" is for "ripped"

My grandmother would have remarked that we should pitch in and get this 'poor' girl a new pair of pants to replace these ripped ones. (You should have seen the front....)

See other r's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Olivier said...

la mode La mode La mode ;o))

Gaelyn said...

Let it all hang out.

Sylvia K said...

Does seem to be the style of the day. I saw someone the other day with what must have been twenty safety pins holding her jeans together, all I could think of was I wish I had a magnet! Great shot for the day! Enjoy your week!


Unknown said...

.. Ripped or not.. i must admit I like it..

Alexa said...

The rips are a bit too "studied." And I'll bet she paid extra for them! Nice shot, though, Bibi.
{My wv is "osessi"—as in O, she is so sessi!}

Tumblewords: said...

Now, THAT is ripped. :) Good shot.

Chuck Pefley said...

I've thrown away better jeans than those -:)

Luis Gomez said...

I do not understand why anybody would pay for jeans like that?? But as they say that is fashion.

photowannabe said...

Great post Bibi.

Kim, USA said...

This made me laugh because hubby once commented, "why people buy such kind of jeans" and I answered him "it's fashion honey" he don't believe ^_^

ABC Wednesday

Suburban Girl said...

So MAYBE if I had a body like that....I would were them. But not in this body for sure. Crazy that these ripped up things go for so much $ too.

This could double as a link in my Midweek Blues meme!

Tash said...

I like Costa's remark.
You know that she paid EXTRA for every rip, strategically place. She is a beauty and the photo is just great!

Jama said...

It's a rip off, paying so much for a ripped jeans! I can do it for free!!! lol but I definitely won't be caught dead in them. lol

Z said...

Seriously! I don't like those jeans either!

Marie-Noyale said...

She will look great once they become Shorts!!!!

Thérèse said...

You would be probably amazed if you knew the price she paid for these jeans!!!

en mat said...

blog walking from malaysia

Bob Crowe said...

Well, as they say, if you've got it, flaunt it. I can guess about the front view.

Andy said...

When I was a young person I had cloths like that. The only difference is that to make them last my Mom would sew the rips for me. When I got my first after school job I bought myself some nice cloths. It's hard to believe we now have the most educated generation in history. Fantastic photo! Eye Candy

Anca said...

and the "vuitton" bag! oh, those fancy Serbian girls :)

Kitty said...

oh boy!
and maybe a size larger too?

your grandmother must be funny!

Lowell said...

Oooo la, la! Nothing wrong with these pants...grandma was wrong. Now, are you going to show us her front? said...

I remember when I used to wear ripped jeans, unfortunately though, I never looked like that.

Liliana Holtzman said...

My grandmother would agree with your grandmother.
But my kids love this look! I try to pick my battles, so I don't' even acknowledge that I've noticed.

B SQUARED said...

Hopefully, you will show the front tomorrow.

yogesa said...

May be they are teh Air-Conditioned Jeans.. Its too hot, ya kno..?

Daryl said...

These remind me of my most comfy favorite pair ...

Louis la Vache said...

All «Louis» will say is that "Boys will be boys and girls will be girls"....

jay said...

Yep, that's a fair sized rip! I'm surprised they dont' fall apart when she pulls them on! LOL!

Daniela said...

Hi hi, i remember getting the comment, "she must come straight from the war" when we visited my grandmother in Croatia after the war. My pants wer ripped but more in a punk style :)

Roger Owen Green said...

When you said "ripped", I thought you were talking about her body, not her pants!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Kris McCracken said...

A dog must have attacked her.

Leif Hagen said...

Our neighbor, a middle school nurse, would have said, "Pull up your pants and pull down your shirt!"

Doot said...

Funny thing in Serbia. Speaking as a healthy young man with some experience in these matters, it seems to be the case in Serbia, unlike other places, you're chances of actually bedding a Serbian hottie seem to be, per my experience anyway, exactly inversely proportional to how revealing she's dressed.

This person's only about 50% revealing, so she's looking for a serious-ish boyfriend. A few more rips and she's looking to get married and have kids.

diegoloxa92 said...

OMG! That's the way slavics do it.


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...