Wednesday, June 2, 2010

ABC Wednesday "T" is for "'Tunnel"

Belgrade's main downtown tunnel is often really, really crowded and stinky and I hold my breath when I go through, if possible. There wasn't much traffic when I passed through the other day, and while waiting for the light to change at the other end, I snapped this photo of a motorcyclist in her high heels.

Check out other T's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Gerald (SK14) said...

I wouldn't have noticed the high heels if you hadn't mentioned it - has she no sense?

Kim said...

How fun! Love this shot.

Unfortunately, the little widget a lot of us use to feature a thumbnail of our friends shots in our sidebars is now featuring your plagiarism notice instead. One of the downsides of using the cloaking method to overcome rss feed scraping. I don't know if I will eliminate the links that show up like this or not. Do you think you will be doing it for a long while?

Tumblewords: said...

Ohmigosh! An incredible capture!

Sylvia K said...

A really terrific capture! I love it! Don't think I'd choose high heels, but then I quit wearing them a long time ago just to walk around in! Enjoy your week!


Suburban Girl said...

Oh how cool is that find! And you had a camera too.

Olivier said...

Il est dangereux de prendre des photos pendant que l'on conduit ;o))
Bien vu la photo

Luis Gomez said...

Great shot!

Alexa said...

Dang! I won't even walk in such heels. At least she's wearing a helmet—and I see it matches her shoes! :~}
Great catch on the fly, Bibi.

Jingle said...

outstanding demonstration of tunnel
and loved the motorcycle as well...

Gaelyn said...

That can't be easy to ride in heels. I love your drive bys.

Roger Owen Green said...

I always feel uneasy being in the Lincoln Tunnel, which leads in and out of NYC.
On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team, thank you! - ROG said...

She looks so cute in her heels and pink pants riding her bike.
I like all the different things going on in this photo, the moving vehicle just behind the rearview mirror, the scene in the rearview, the bright lights. All these elements add up to an interesting photo that I would never imagine to be stinky in any way whatsoever.

Louis la Vache said...

What a hoot! High heels on a motorbike avec matching helmet!

Great capture, Bibi!

Jay said...

What a great photo! Love the high heels! LOL!

I often think how bad it must be for our health to drive or ride through exhaust-filled tunnels. Surely they should ventilate them better!

Thérèse said...

L'élégance jusqu'aux chaussures... J'ai compris qu'il me serait très dur de revivre à Paris lorsque je me suis trouvée coincée dans un tunnel il y a deux ans...

Daryl said...

Keep the windows closed .. those Yugos are not air tight! ;-)

Unknown said...

Fantastic capture, Bibi! Even if I drove around all day long I would never see the marvelous photo ops you find! I am jealous..... I need the city life again.

Unseen Rajasthan said...

Nice capture !!Unseen Rajasthan

Carolyn Ford said...

Very fun capture and the reflection in the side view mirror is cool! You are having fun times with your camera, no doubt!

Chuck Pefley said...

Always fun seeing women decked out and riding their scooters ... can't say I'm a fan of anything other than proper riding gear, though. One never, ever, knows.

Wanda said...

What a cool shot....can I have a ride?

Lowell said...

I really hate tunnels; probably due to some claustrophobia...but also because, like you said, they are "crowded and stinky." And I always wonder what happens if you break down in one of them.

Love this shot. I don't think you'd see that here. Here they wear leather and boots!

Lynette said...

Every day I see at least one scooter while I wait for the bus, and my camera is in my bag! I've got to do better--your splendid photo serves as inspiration. Thanks!


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