Friday, May 28, 2010

Be afraid, be very afraid....

I fear the worst for this house that I have always called 'my house,' which I'd really like to own if I had the money. I am sorry that I don't have megabucks...someone beat me to it. You can see since the last post on the link I've inserted that the brush has been cut down, a lock is on the gate... I can only hope it will be renovated, not torn down to make room for some more modern structure like its neighbor in the second photo. I'll let you know...


Luis Gomez said...

Let's hope for the best renovation of it. Maybe then you can buy it all ready.

Lowell said...

I'm with you on this one, but sometimes people feel the cost of renovation vs. a new, modern home is too much.

It certainly has a lot of character, though. Maybe it will be saved from the wrecking ball!

Alexa said...

I wish you had been able to buy this beautiful old place yourself! (A good friend of mine felt the same way since she was a child about an empty old house in her town—then Martha Stewart bought it!)

Suburban Girl said...

Oh no no no lay in front of it or something. Don't let them even think of tearing that beauty down. I would be heartbroken.

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis», too, hopes it will be restored not wrecked. It has character that modern houses lack.

Olivier said...

Si le nouveau propriétaire fait des travaux, cela fera une magnifique demeure et il y a un grand terrain.."ah si j'étais la la...."

Gaelyn said...

What a neat looking house. Hope it is saved. said...

when I first saw this & read your title I thought it looked haunted!
Then I read & remembered the story of this house & looked closer - it is a beautiful building, it would be sad if they couldn't restore it.
I am glad you will keep us posted Bibi!

Pam Lane said...

I hope they treat it kindly...

Jilly said...

I hope so too. It's a beautiful house.

Z said...

Your dream will come true! I can feel it.

Kitty said...

hopefully the new owner saw the charm in the older house. It's a fixer-upper, but the roof is all right, so the floors are probably salvagable.

I hope to see the transformation! crossing fingers!

Françoise said...

Moi aussi j'aime cette maison qui me fait rêver mais déja dans les alentours ils ont réussi à construire des horreurs comme les 80 % des maisons dans Belgrade. C'est dommage que la plupart des serbes n'ont pas concience de leur patrimoine... Si cette maison est rénovée ce sera un miracle

Daryl said...

I hope they renovate the interior and leave that marvelous exterior in tact

Liliana Holtzman said...

Best of luck to the lovely old house. It breaks my heart when these gracious old buildings give away to pretentious monstrosities.

Tash said...

Another gorgeous view of "your" house. I do hope they are renovating it. It is really beautiful.
I was crushed yesterday when I saw that the tall, gorgeous sweetgum tree I've been taking photos of over the last 2 years had been yanked to for a lawn! It was on the side of a newly opened flower shop/cafe. That place is not getting my business. It's in Rolling Hills Est. which seems to be all for building and not for conserving anything even the things that make it nicer.

Kitty said...

hey bibi
I saw this exact post on that site you told me about today. I went there to fill out a form from Adsense. You ought to do it too, if you haven't already.

It's a lousy site, so I'm sure it won't exist too much longer! Thanks for letting me know about it. I'm incensed!!


Thérèse said...

C'est en effet une maison qui semble avoir beaucoup de charme extérieur.

@ Françoise,
il y en a qui ont la conscience de leur patrimoine (si pattrimoine il y a, voir le côté historique) mais cela ne suffit pas toujours malheureusement...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.