Thursday, May 27, 2010

Two men, three packs

Had lunch the other day at one of the older, more traditional restaurants here in Belgrade. It's a no-frills place, with good, basic, Serbian fare. I like to go to these places since many such have been bought out and revamped into yuppie modern venues devoid of any personality. The downside is that, although restaurants are supposed to have non-smoking sections, this law is often overlooked. Outside where I was, it didn't much matter, since I was upwind. These men had three packs of cigarettes on their table when I sat down and sneaked a zoomed-in shot, and were down to their last one when I left; non-stop smoking accompanied by a couple of beers...and a mineral water.


Chuck Pefley said...

Whee! I'm first -:)

I'm not a fan of cigarette smoke, either.

Luis Gomez said...

That is a lot of smoking!

Lowell said...

I used to work in a small office where my friend would smoke 3-4 packs of cigarettes a day. Ugh! So, I fixed him! I smoked a few cigars! Well all damn near died!

Most places around here don't allow any smoking whatsoever.

Louis la Vache said...

This reminds «Louis» of when he first visited France in the mid-90s, well before he moved there and smoking was still rampant in France. Going into a restaurant and asked for a table in a non-smoking area. The host huffily took «Louis» to a table, grabbed the ashtray and SLAMMED it down on another table, saying
"You want zee non-smokeeng?! 'ere eez ze non-smokeeng!"


Bob Crowe said...

I've represented some people with advanced emphysema and it's a horrible way to go. Forget all the specious arguments. Tobacco companies are criminals.

Thérèse said...

A very touchy subject at home! :) said...

yikes, where do they find the energy?
I remember when I was a child, seeing people smoke in the grocery store! It makes me stomach sick when i think about it now.
this is still a cool shot anyway.

Olivier said...

avant les gens fumaient dans les cafes et je pouvais profiter pour boire mon cafe en terrace, maintenant ils fument en terrace et je suis oblige de m'enfermer dans le cafe ;o((

Suburban Girl said...

Hmmm, what a healthy diet...not! I do enjoy being able to eat outdoors, I wish there was more of that in PA.

Anonymous said...

A very familiar scene! Except for the smoking part, it's one of the things that makes life in Belgrade so delightful.

Daryl said...

The Cancer Cafe, eh?

Olivier said...

Merci pour le lien, je viens d'envoyer un mail et un commentaire pour qu'ils arretent ;((((

Alexa said...

I saw a young guy on the street the other day, who had food in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Smart of you to stay downwind, Bibi!

Tash said...

Pa to je Cika Mile! (Just kidding.)
Nisu jeli burek? (I so wish I could eat a good one!)

This weekend is a Croatian picnic in San Pedro. I'll grab a plate or two of good food.

Tash said...

PS - I don't mind the smell of cigarette smoke or diesel fuel fumes (childhood relics) but I HATE closed rooms full of smoke that get into the hair & clothes & everything.

Leif Hagen said...

A great photo of those two chimneys! I would have been tempted to say something to them....


 GORGEOUS day here in Belgrade. Waiting for some friends on a psrk bench. Gardeners are tending the lavender that grows here and its scent f...