Saturday, May 29, 2010

"Hey! Where'd everybody go?"--Reflections Weekend

This little sparrow seems to be asking, "Hey! Where'd everybody go?" I was taking a photo of a group of sparrows with him, when suddenly they all took off...except this little guy.

See other reflections at
James' Reflections Weekend.


Sylvia K said...

What a fun capture for the day! He does look to be asking the question!! Great reflections! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Lorac said...

So cute! Good photo too!

Anonymous said...

What a refreshing promise.
Please have a nice weekend.

daily athens

Boom Nisanart said...

Bibi, this is a really cute photo & I like the reflection of water...beautiful color !
and my cat love your sparrow : )

Luis Gomez said...

Love this one!

Paulina Millaman said...

yup, i agree with the sparrow...
that is a winter like question i think.

Tash said...

Aw, that is just darling. Looking for friends indeed.

Regina said...

Amazing one.
Happy weekend.

Gemma Wiseman said...

O what a cutie! And he does look as if he is asking that very question! Beautiful tones in the reflection!

Alexa said...

At first glance it does look like that's what he's asking. On the other hand, he could be saying, "Finally, some privacy for my morning ablutions!" Either way, I love this shot!

Joanne said...

What a beautiful shot, really pretty:)

Suburban Girl said...

Cute, he stayed to pose for you!

Lowell said...

Very creative, Bibi! And it seems there's always someone who fails to get the word, like "Hey, we're leaving now!"

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
Poor lonely little guy (gal?)!

Gaelyn said...

That little bird looks lonely. Excellent reflection!

Thérèse said...

Un courageux qui est resté pour la photo!

James said...

I like shots like this a lot. I think it would also look great in black and white.

Elettra said...

hi Bibi, your photo is very very beautiful,many compliments

fini said...

oh dear, poor thing :D I know, that's what it's saying!
I love this photo's reflections!

Z said...

This image is strikingly amazing.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.