Monday, May 3, 2010

The May flowers April showers brought

Last month Belgrade had a lot of rain. The old saying goes, 'April showers bring May flowers,' and above is the result. Belgrade has been blooming and flowers are in full force now, except for the dandelions, which for the most part, have turned from yellow into puffy white, ready to disperse their seeds at the first wind.

P.S. While doing some spring cleaning, I came upon somethingI'd been given by someone and forgot about. It's a Bower Super Wide .042x lens attachment. Screwed on one of my lenses, it lets me get very up close and personal. On a very wide angle lens, there is vignetting, which in some cases above I cropped out. In the same box with this little pearl was another Merkur .45 digital wide angle with macro, which lets me get even closer...ooooh. Stay tuned.


Gaelyn said...

Sure glad someone has flowers. Snowing again here on the South Rim. Have fun with the new lenses. I'm looking forward to some new stuff.

Lowell said...

And who says cleaning can't be fun - and profitable! Cool photos. I especially like the dandelion ready to let loose of all those fluffy little spikes...

Thérèse said...

It sounds like we are going to have even more fun with your blog... How is it possible?

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee
Is there one corner of the world WITHOUT dandelions?

What cheerful flowers, including the new masthead photo.

Olivier said...

beau montage, elles sont superbes ces fleurs et qu'elle patchwork de couleurs said...

such lucky finds! that always happens to me when I clean out my clutter- I find things I could actually be using!
I love your dandelion shot. I love the curve you captured in the landscape.
I must have taken 50 shots of some dandelions around here today but it was very breezy, hopefully I've got something to show for it.

xxx said...

look forward to you getting up close with your new find.

happy spring time to you,,, it's autumn in my corner of the world.

best wishes

Liliana Holtzman said...

I am very partial to close ups of flowers. I love Georgia O'Keeffe.
Anyway, these are beautiful and open up a whole new, hidden world.

We have lovely flowers in Michigan at this time of year also, everything is in bloom. But your pictures give me a glorious glimpse of Belgrade - every day. Thank you!

Daryl said...

Fabulous fleurs and how wonderful to find that lens attachment, there will be no limit to what you can get now!

Alexa said...

Lucky you—found lenses! And lucky us, because look what you can do with them! I love extreme close-up shots, and can't wait to see what else you bring us.
Have fun!

Unknown said...

Beautiful set of flowers. I dont know anyone from Serbia so it would be good and fun to know one and something from here. Have a good day :)

Suburban Girl said...

Gosh, I would spring clean if there was a chance of finding some fun stuff like you found! Can't wait to see some pics.

Richard Lawry said...

Great photos and a great find.

An Arkies Musings

Flowers said...

Very pretty shots of flowers, it makes me long for them to bloom here


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...