Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ABC Wednesday 'S'' is for 'Smiley'

Why is this bank smiling? I don't know, except perhaps it's happy I stopped to take its photo. Not along ago I captured another smiley on a bus and even longer ago one on a trip to California.
Hope you are smiling today.

Check out some other S's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

What a wonderful shot! Truly great.

Sylvia K said...

Fabulous capture! I don't know why the bank is smiling either -- or maybe they're the only ones who are these days!! Have a great week!


Bettey said...

Aw! How cute - great eye for seeing this :)

Hood Photo Blog

Mara said...

What a great shot! Well done for noticing.

photowannabe said...

Good eye Bibi. I love things like this. A perfect choice for the letter S.

Roger Owen Green said...

Wonderful photo!

It's smiling because it has all thsat $$.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Tumblewords: said...

Super! This sure makes me smile! :)

Kim, USA said...

Yay that is so cute. Happy Wednesday!

ABC Wednesday~S

Anonymous said...

What a surprise, as this is a Greek bank. Did not know they had branch offices even there. Please have a wonderful, smile filled Wednesday.

daily athens

Gaelyn said...

Sure is a fun and interesting gate.

Olivier said...

bien vu la photo ;o)) voila une banque qui sait donner le sourire a ces clients

Thérèse said...

Actually I am, it's the end of the school year!
A bank which gives a smile? Something fishy! :)

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I read your caption, looked at the photo and went "Huh?" Then in a flash I saw it and laughed out loud.

B SQUARED said...

There are not too many banks smiling these days.

Daryl said...

Fantastic! You have a great eye! said...

& the background is such a bright spot too! makes me smile just to look at it.
Now I have to start looking for some of these.
You have a great eye Bibi.
: )

James said...

That's pretty neat. The smile was the first think that I noticed.

Louis la Vache said...

The bank is smiling because you just deposited your Lotto winnings, no?!


Suburban Girl said...

Oh that's great! It made me smile too.

Chuck Pefley said...

Yes, I'm smiling -:)))

kostas said...

Its a Greek bank!

Alexa said...

Yup, I'm smiling too! Love your clever eye, and sense of humor.

Bergson said...

i laught also


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.