Friday, June 18, 2010

SKYWATCH--The BIG setting sun

This huge sun said 'Good night' to me when I went out the other evening to take Bibi for her walk.

See other skies at SKYWATCH FRIDAY.

P.S. Changed my banner today. I think this is the family of geese you saw here , almost all grown up.


Daryl said...

Bibi, that is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!

Lowell said...

Superb! The counterpart to the moon I posted on Florida Fotos today!

We are really good! :-)

Sylvia K said...

Absolutely stunning! What a way to say goodnight to the world! Have a great weekend!


Judy said...

That is gorgeous! You seldom see the sun like that!

Gaelyn said...

It almost doesn't look real, yet absolutely beautiful.

Luzia said...

The perfect sundown! Greetings from Luzia.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing moment. Thank you for sharing. Please have a great Friday.

daily athens

Brenda's Arizona said...

Just stunning!

Lindz said...

that is just marvelous, I've never seen anything like that shot, it's so perfect

eileeninmd said...

A beautiful sight and a great capture.!

Bob Crowe said...

You nailed this one. How did you get such good color on the sun and not get it burned out? Neutral density filter, maybe?

Anzu said...

Please peel that adroable Orange for me ♪

Hildred said...

Gorgeous, - the kind of sun you see when the sky is smoky.

Marites said...

Awesome! it looks like it's smoldering.. said...

Such an AMAZING shot! Well done Bibi.

Kcalpesh said...

That really is huge! Fantastic shot!!

Recently I switched to a custom domain and have lost friends on google friend connect. Request you to re-join :-)

Pixellicious Photos

Linnea said...

That really is a superb sky and shot. It reminds me of a Japanese block print for some reason! Simply beautiful!

Pat said...

Hi, Bob and others. To take the shot, I lowered the exposure setting to I believe 2 or more, need to check. Normally I leave it around .07. That's how I got the sun not to be burned out.

Glennis said...

I do so like to see the big orange moon, it soon loses the lovely orange as it rises. Best of all to see this orange moon rise over the ocean.

Pat said...

Hi, Glennis! Thank you, but this is the setting sun! :)

Kim said...

Simply fantastic, Bibi. What a catch! Now I've got the song "Red Rubber Ball" going through my head :-).

Ma.links said...

That is truly a stunning sunset. Great capture.

Liliana Holtzman said...

So beautiful!
I love the orange of the sun against the monochromatic background.
You can feel the heat of the day in the grayish steam.

Z said...

A M A Z I N G!!!!

Alexa said...

Even presented with such a gorgeous sunset, not everyone could capture it as you have. I'm always impressed with your photos, but today I'm just blown away.

Thérèse said...

You could have almost tied a string to this glorious balloon...

Your banner: "Le lac des oies!" lol

byron said...

I love huge planetary suns and moons... They're so other-worldly... And congratulations on Serbia's win over Germany today (if you're a fan)!

Olivier said...

Magnifique ce soleil, on se croirait dans un pays d'afrique

clairz said...

Perfect capture. What a wonderful eye you have.

Light and Voices said...


Buck said...

That's an impossible photo - great job!

Louis la Vache said...

Great balls o'fire!

Jilly said...

Wow and more wow! This is amazing, Bibi!

Kristin said...

Wow.. Very extraordinary sun. Nice shot.

Rhonda said...

Stunning picture! That tree in the foreground adds it's own special effect. Thanks for the picture.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.