Friday, June 25, 2010

SKYWATCH FRIDAY-painting between storms

They say it's summer, but I'm not sure. Aside from a few days recently, it's been rain and clouds. This fellow along the Danube in Zemun (ZAY-moon) is risking painting his boat between storms...

Check out other skies at SKYWATCH.


Jane said...

Love the HDR treatment, looks very stormy yet very peaceful. Thanks for sharing:)

Sylvia K said...

Terrific capture! Stormy looking skies, but hopefully this guy got his boat painted and shielded from the rain! Love your composition! Enjoy your weekend!


Lowell said...

Just like Florida. We usually get storms in the afternoon when the cooler air coming off the ocean meets the heat of the day!

So I know what it is to try to do things between storms.

Daryl said...

I like very much the way the HDR or is it HRD ... whichever... I like the way it adds to the storm approaching feeling

Suburban Girl said...

I hope it dries fast!

Luis Gomez said...

Love the treatment of the image.

Laura said...

feels like we are looking at a painting of a man painting...very cool.

Thérèse said...

I can imagine the pleasure this man has to be thinking about his first trip on the river after a long winter. But first comes the paint job.

Arija said...

Love the swimming cuttle fish cloud in your sky.

Z said...

It looks like a painting. I really like it.

Alexa said...

Others beat me to it—I was going to say that you've made it look like a painting. Hope this fellow (and you) didn't get caught in a downpour!

Kcalpesh said...

I liked the unique treatment you have given to the photo! Supershot!!

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Boom Nisanart said...

Melbourne the same, Now we have rain in winter and I saw some company hire someone to clean building's window ( outside ), just before the rain come one day. For me, should do when spring come.
Anyhow, I love this photo : )

Gemma Wiseman said...

A fascinating scene with lots of detail of activity!

B SQUARED said...

A nice shot in spite of the weather.

Gaelyn said...

Sure hope it's quick dry paint.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.