Monday, August 16, 2010

Enjoy the moment

The alternate title for this post could have been "Before Take-off," since my friend is leaving Belgrade today for NYC where she lives. I took this photo when she and I were having a (very) cool drink in Zemun, one of Belgrade's adjacent municipalities.

Unlike the dragonfly I posted here a short while back, this fellow stayed put a long time, as if enjoying the view.

I think we should all do this. I do now. Today, 5 years ago today, I finished an eight-month chemotherapy treatment here in Belgrade for Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, which I never suspected I had until it was fortunately detected early through my yearly physical. So far, so good.

One never knows how many days one has, so I try to take advantage of every single one.


Gaelyn said...

I do so like sitting to enjoy the view. Yet there are so many views to see. I flit around like the dragonfly.

Congrats on being healthy and alive to enjoy all the views you can.

Luis Gomez said...


Alexa said...

There's nothing like a reason for chemo to put things in perspective, is there? Hope you continue to live life to the fullest—and in perfect health.

Olivier said...

tres belle prise photographique, tres poetique comme photo

Francisca said...

A lovely capture to go along with your reminder to seize the day, Bibi.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

beautiful capture! i like the bukeh!

Kate said...

Your last sentence is one that we all need to honour and to utilize in our lives. Congratulations on the current status of your health. Carpe diem!!

Louis la Vache said...

Excellent news, Bibi - thank you for letting us know!

Daryl said...

Congrats on being a survivor! Welcome to the club .. may your membership last forever!

And I posted a dragonfly the other day with the caption 'cleared for take off'!!!!! Great minds!

Suburban Girl said...

He's enjoying the glad you are too.


nice photo...nice dragonfly

Vlada Jablanov said...

Hey, maybe it's the same one as mine :-))

Thérèse said...

Yes let's enjoy today and this rather elegant and graceful dragonfly.


 My post yesterday was so dark, both figuratively and in reality. Here's one more from my baby Minox DCC 5.1, which is more cheerful.