Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday Bridges- "Walls and Bridges"

Here it is Sunday again and I am without a real bridge. What's a girl to do except think really hard?

As you see, the spirit of the fabulous John Lennon inspired me with the cover from his album Walls and Bridges. And two of these pairs of glasses are sitting on the bridge of my nose or close.

Long Live John Lennon.

Check out other bridges, the regular kind and the maybe not-so-ordinary at Louis' Sunday Bridges.


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Bibi, you are cute and creative! JL has nothing on you!

Luis Gomez said...

You are just wonderful! Great photo!

Gaelyn said...

Very good. Lennon still lives on.

Hull and Hereabouts said...

Who is John Lennon?

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Quick thinking, Bibi.

Unknown said...

now that's pretty creative! and JOhn Lennon is a great inspiration for today's post.:p

Francisca said...

And such a pretty bridge it is! :-)

Linnea said...

How clever of you! I love this. I ought to try that too. God knows I have enough pairs of glasses lying around! Enjoy the day.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

very clever. I like some of the Beatles song.

Chuck Pefley said...

You went to a lot of work, but looks like you had fun. Gotta wonder if you can see more clearly this way, though. LOL!!!!!

Jilly said...

You are SO clever, Bibi! You have made a pretty exact copy of the photo. Am wildly impressed! Happy Sunday.

Pat said...

Hi, Chuck.

Actually, I did this photo really quickly! I have my glasses everywhere...tripod handy, and managed to manual focus first on a floor fan the same distance as the chair I sat in. Took a couple of photos with my little remote release, and that was that.

I did have fun, though! :)

But I stick to only wearing one pair of glasses at a time....

Birdman said...

Funny shot! Who is JL????? Crawl out from under the rock! Lennon=GENIUS!

Alexa said...

Well this witty post sure made me smile first thing in the morning! (You even look a bit alike in this pose.) ;~]

Kaori said...

You tickle me with your creativeness :D

Indrani said...

Smart take on the meme. Great post.

Daryl said...

Love this. SO clever and you look great!

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» likes your creative additions to Sunday Bridges. He always wonders what clever idea you'll come up with next!

Life Is A Road Trip said...

Very cute! I like your creativity.

EG CameraGirl said...

I enjoyed this post! You made me laugh!

PJ said...

This is you? Wonderful to see you and this is one of the most creative shots I've seen in a long time. Bravo!

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

great idea!! :) i like!

VioletSky said...

I hope your bridge doesn't collapse from the weight of some of those glasses!!

Thérèse said...

Bien amusantes ces photos.

XAPT said...

I love it! You find inspiration EVERYWHERE - Bravo.

Leif Hagen said...

Very clever, Bibi! Now I can see you - what you look like! Enjoy your upcoming week!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.