Monday, August 23, 2010

Two years ago....

Two years ago my husband passed away unexpectedly at the age of just 61. Yesterday my son and I and close friends gathered around his grave in remembrance, and my daughter paid homage to him, too, in Seattle.

The day after his funeral my son and daughter and I returned to the grave, where we found a little gray squirrel who stuck around for a while. On the one year anniversary, just as the Orthodox priest began his service, a pigeon flew down and landed on the cross which bore his name and stayed the entire time, seeming to listen attentively. Yesterday, before we gathered at the grave, I stopped off at my son's place. I was sitting with my back to the window when my son's wife said, 'Oh, look!' There was a colorful butterfly trapped between the curtain and the window. I carefully caught it and let it go.

Signs? I kind of like to think so. The butterfly in my photo is not the one I caught, but since I didn't have my camera with me yesterday, this photo will represent it.

It's a cliche, but I can't believe he's gone....

14 comments: said...

Oh Bibi, I think I know in just a small way how you feel. It's been 3 and a half years since my brother-in-law passed suddenly at the age of 43. He was more like a brother to me since I knew him for 27 years.
I have had many similar experiences such as you describe. Sometimes I think the fact that I notice these things is a sign that he is thinking of my family and I. They always seem to take place around family gatherings or special times.
One day after visiting with his girlfriend I came home to find a white dove just outside the doorway to my house that wouldn't move as I got my keys out and went inside. I lingered, staring at it wondering why it wasn't flying away and that's when I realized it was a sign.

Gaelyn said...

These amazing signs of life bring you love and memories.

Thérèse said...

Thinking of you,
Little things coming by waking up past, present and futur! That's what we need all along.

Olivier said...

un triste anniversaire, mais des beaux signes avec ces animaux qui viennent se poser sur sa tombe. de tout coeur avec toi en cette journée du souvenir

Luis Gomez said...

My mom passed not too many months ago. I still think of calling her over the phone. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post. And yes, life is full of signs.

Pam Lane said...

What a beautiful picture to celebrate those little signs with.

B SQUARED said...

He must have been a wonderful man.

Daryl said...

As long as he is in your heart, he is not gone .. xo

Birdman said...

I agree. Messages are around us frequently... if we just look. They are soothing too.

Alexa said...

I believe in signs like these too—and I'm sure they're there to comfort you.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

superb capture! regards

Kim said...

I love how Thérèse expressed it, and like you and others have noted, these seemingly small things are very real touchpoints for us. The mystery of love runs like a current, and we sense it. What a lovely little thing you've captured sitting and drinking from the flower. Even the thorny thistles offer up some sustenance and beauty to perch upon.

Here's to your dear Ivan and his great love for his family!

Serline said...

Reminds me of an ancient Chinese version of "Romeo and Juliet": the star-crossed lovers in this case were buried in the same tomb, which split apart yielding two beautiful butterflies... was it your loved one saying hello?

Jilly said...

Am late I know to comment on this day but just had to say what a beautiful tribute and yes, I absolutely believe in signs such as you describe.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.