Wednesday, September 22, 2010

ABC WEDNESDAY "j" is for "Juxtaposition"

Another hip shot, but just had to catch these two women who were about to pass me by. I love the contrast in their clothing, juxtaposed....

See other "J's"on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Annelie said...

I totaly understand you´re need to get those on a picture. Great!
AND, I love your header, CHILI, Love chili!

Annelie E
ABC Wednesday team

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Yes, I should have commented earlier on your new header and background color -- fab!

Great "juxtaposition" and the wall looks familiar. I was wondering if those redheads from yesterday were nearby.

I want to be the woman in the foreground, please.


J e l e n a said...

It is utterly amazing what you can see on the streets of Belgrade. Maybe she is coming home from work, and the lady in the back is going to work. The contrasts on our streets are like no other city in the world. We just love to look all made up no matter what part of the day it is!

Luis Gomez said...

An excellent shot! Love it.

photowannabe said...

Really nice "hip" shot. I like the contrast of clothing.

Anonymous said...

Two kinds of speed.

Please have a good Wednesday.

daily athens

Hildred said...

Great shot and a wonderful choice for your J word, juxtaposition...

Roger Owen Green said...

Very lovely, clever take on the theme.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Tumblewords: said...

Wonderful chili banner and charming ladies - surely a great capture!

Lynette said...

Yep, you've got a good one here.

Olivier said...

tres bien vu la photo, deux mondes qui se rencontrent, j'aime beaucoup said...

This is so neat. Your good at these "hipster" shots Bibi. I always seem to spaz out when I try to take them.
Hope you are feeling better soon - saw your comment over at Alexa's.
I notice a lot of people feel under the weather around the change of Seasons.

Alexa said...

I always love your "hip shots"—and this one is no exception. [In my mind, I'm the woman in the foreground (well, sort of). Others would probably see me as the other one (sigh). Surely there's a middle ground?

Tash said...

Fabulous! What is really cool is that the age difference isn't that big. Love the bag and the boots...wouldn't mind the figure either -- but of which one?
BTW - the diminishing line, the framing, the old wall -- fabulous shooting too.

Z said...

I loe the way you angled the photo.

B SQUARED said...

A great juxtaposition, indeed.

Daryl said...

I now of course wonder if the 'younger' is a co worker of that woman in the doorway you featured recently ..

Chuck Pefley said...

Luscious light. You've got a wonderful hip, Bibi! LOL!!!

Gaelyn said...

Wow, these two gals are from Way different worlds, yet along the same street. You do have the eye.

Kitty said...

wow, what a contrast?

I have to wonder how the first one walks in those boots. Seems uncomfortable?


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.