Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Bridges--before and after

One day fresh paint, next day (or almost) graffiti. This is the fate of many walls in big cities, like this one under a bridge over a highway in Belgrade.

Check out Louis La Vache's Sunday Bridges at his blog!


Gaelyn said...

You know I really don't mind the "graffiti" and some of it is quite good. I'd rather it was on walls than rocks. Yet I wish they'd leave the sign alone.

Unknown said...

i also enjoy some graffiti but covering the signs is plain vandalism. great shots.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I do like some of the graffiti but it is hard to draw the line. Only pleasing art is allowed or certain mediums (no spray cans) or only puppy dog drawings... What a dilemma. No painting over signs!

Thanks for the side-by-side photos!

Kaori said...

My goodness, that's quite a change! How long of a time lapse is between the photos?

Alexa said...

Gotta go with the consensus here: At least lay off the sign, punks!

Chuck Pefley said...

Frankly I think blank walls of public structures like bridges are appropriate canvasses ... assuming they aren't abused. The sign being splattered, though, is a different matter. Nice comparison.

Birdman said...

LOVE that banner of canoes... a keeper.

Sharon Creech said...

Looks like some frustrated artists need an outlet. . .?

Olivier said...

les taggeurs vont tres vite ;( malheureusement

Thérèse said...

Graffiti is now declared a felony in a few states over here. On the other hand entire walls are now dedicated to graffitists which is a good thing.

Virginia said...

I feel a rant coming on. THis is public property. It's not your canvas. Go spray paint your Momma's house if you feel the urge to deface.

Kitty said...

wow, that is really a shame. There was something very nice about that pristine wall.

The sad thing is I fear none of these kids will look back and regret what they did, even when they're older. Awful.

Daryl said...

Thats sort of depressing ..

PJ said...

I was hoping V wouldn't see this's another argument for a "tagging" park.

Anonymous said...

Concrete gray is depressing. graffiti are more fun.


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