No offense taken, of course, since the writer is undoubtedly a member of the
Serbian Radical Party, a far-right, ultra-nationalistic party founded in 1991, whose leader, Vojislav Šešelj (name in Cyrillic painted on the left of the wall), has been under trial in The Hague for war crimes since 1993.
And besides, after 33 years here, I
am home.
Bibi, you are home!
Not the best sentiment, but it does make a striking photo!
An Arkies Musings
Interesting statement art. Like the boat and colors.
Home is what you make it. Be Happy!
je pense que c'est juste un slogan, qui maintenant ne veut plus rien dire. Mais des fois tu n'as pas envie de retourner aux USA ?
Home is where your heart is - though I am glad you came back to visit America (& I got to meet you)!
Not the pleasantest of sentiments! Then again, that boat signifies the reality of the threat being somewhat high and dry ... not going anywhere anytime soon.
Love the photo and that you now regard where you live as home. Quite right! I had something similar when I lived in deepest Wales - a great distrust of the English and sometimes I got threats to my dogs and kennels which scared me. And they were forever taking down the signage to my house. Eventually tho I was accepted and called, as they do in WAles, Jilly the Dog! Like Dai the milkman!
I think that you are already home and that you can take it with you as you travel. This is a great photo and I do wonder if Olivier is right, that it is just an expression. Hummmm?
Is that old boat there to give Yankees a head start? ;) Glad you feel comfy in your home!
Indeed, after 33 years, you are no doubt home...
You've been in Serbia as long as «Louis», who grew up in Texas, has lived in California. In the same vein, Texas is no longer 'home' to «Louis» - and besides, didn't Tom Wolfe tell us "You Can't Go Home Again"?
I guess you must feel at home after 33 years spent in this country... Humans are the same everywhere : we have actually in France a president that hate Rom people, only God's must know why...
I'm home too...but still feel at home there. It's a good feeling.
I completely forgot that I arrived at the (air) port of Bangor, Maine - exactly 40 years ago today 9-7-1970.
Great colorful image & love the old boat.
Well said, Bibi. Home is where the heart is and yours is certainly in Serbia.
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