Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sharing the load...?

I had to chuckle as I took this photo....this couple is indeed sharing a load, but perhaps not quite fairly. They looked happy though, and didn't seem to mind. Genie published a similar photo last Saturday at Paris and Beyond.


Gaelyn said...

I Love It!

You always amaze me with your candid shots of people.

Z said...

This is very nice. I'm sure they have been together for long time.

Luis Gomez said...

A very sweet image and a great caption.

Randy said...

They way it should be. What a wonderful photo.

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

You told me that you had a similar shot and here, many miles from Paris we see a similar scene... a "mature" couple working in tandem to carry home the groceries, knowing their own rhythms well enough that they step on opposite feet. If they had walked in sync the bag would sway too much.

Love this candid photo... let's look for more of these!


Olivier said...

une belle photo, qui raconte une belle histoire entre deux personnes

Tash said...

You don't see that very often any more but I do recall carrying baskets or string shopping bags like that as being the norm when I was a kid. Maybe the reason I don't see it here is that nobody walks in LA, let alone carries a load. (Well, actually, nowdays people do walk a lot - for exercise, not for shopping.)
I like the cell phone user in the background too. Now that's the same everywhere!

PS here is one quick sketch I did after a couple of drawing sessions. Last week's class was so much fun - we studies "value"/shading and the technique that worked esp. well was shading the page with compressed charcoal at a mid range and then erasing the highlights and adding darker areas. Will take a photo of a good outcome soon.

Tash said...

PSS - forgot to add the link: http://mostlylacounty.blogspot.com/2010/10/abes-bandit-revisited-wandas-art.html

B SQUARED said...

I hope they switch arms every once in a while.

Daryl said...

Its always sweet to see 'older' couples walking together holding hands or carrying totes

Jilly said...

Sharing the load of life too. And right, hardly evenly balanced. Perhaps it was ever thus...


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.