Monday, November 22, 2010

Does he or doesn't he...?

....see me? Another hip shot on the sly, or maybe not. I am not so familiar with ranks of the military, so I will let you go to this site to figure out just who these young men are.


Gaelyn said...

Looks like he's staring right at the camera. You're bound to get caught out sooner or later. ;)

Leif Hagen said...

He saw you and he said to himself, "Self, why is that lady taking a photo of me!?"

Hull and Hereabouts said...

They're scared gutless. Just like all other soldiers in the world. Pass on this secret.

Luis Gomez said...

I think he saw you! Great shot!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

I'm with Luis on this one... he saw you AND it is a great shot! I do better shooting little old ladies that I know I can out run (hehe). Well I did get one of Sarko but he was taken with a telephoto lens (on his little step-up box). said...

With such a serious face I am convinced that he has spotted your camera.

Petrea Burchard said...

Hi Pat,
Oh yeah, he saw you. Maybe he didn't mind, though. What a great shot.

Olivier said...

avec son regard, j'aurais pas ose prendre cette me fait frois dans le dos

Grace said...

Definitely saw you. Doesn't look like he minded, though. Lovely shot!

B SQUARED said...

I think he is looking right thru you.

Daryl said...

At least he seems to be looking unlike the soldiers at Buckingham Palace who mustnt look anywhere but straight ahead

Virginia said...

I think he saw you and I'm surprised he didn't turn away! Great shot Bibi!!! ( He's cute!)

Lowell said...

I do not see you...but what a fun shot...I don't think it was too much "on the sly," though...the soldier in front seems quite aware of what you are doing. Maybe he thought you were a military photographer and he would end up on the cover of some military magazine?

I went to the site...still don't know who they are...

Re your cell phone battery: I guess I could get you one here and ship it to you (so long as you installed it yourself) ;-))

That would probably be more expensive than you buying one there, though... :-)

Chuck Pefley said...

I think you were definitely nailed ... or, if not, then he was checking out your gear. -:)

canngil said...

love the Serbian army patch! my grandfather came over in 1914 when it was still part of the
Austro-Hungarian empire.


 I have to admit that my dog gets a lot of smiles and pats, which she just loves....  This sweet lady obliged her and even gave her a little...