Monday, November 1, 2010

Theme Day--Transportation

November already and a new theme day! This photo is a drive-by shooting. I was stopped at a red light and noticed this urban still life beside me. The tires on this bus look pretty good, and I love the bus's color, but that rust....

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


Stefan Jansson said...

I agree on the color.

Jim said...

Great colours. The rust is a worry.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Really good capture. Tells a story.

Luis Gomez said...

Great shot. Love the colors and your image.

Randy said...

Nice take on the theme. I love it.

Gaelyn said...

Your drive bys are always so interesting. The rust really is a contrast to the new tire.

Caroline said...

Really caught my eye. Lovely colour and detail.

Chuck Pefley said...

Clever! And I'm certain your local transport department is chagrined to admit the condition of this bus -:)

Jilly said...

A great shot, Bibi and perfect for today. I confess I got all behind on Theme day for Menton this time. Yours reminds me a little (in a different way) of what Nathalie put on today. I love both.

Daryl said...

Oh I love this, it took me a minute to realize what it was...

And I totally forgot, til I got to Virginia's blog that today was CDP theme day .. but mine is up now

Lynette said...

Great Theme Day post--love the perspective and the close-up. Mine is up at Portland Oregon Daily Photo; it’s a photo that I took on the MAX Light Rail last Saturday.

Virginia said...

Very creative Bibi. We're both "rusty" today!

Leif Hagen said...

Oh the rust is just a "beauty mark" on the bus ....

A. said...

If you look from distance, this looks like a black hole in the sun! :)

Mirela said...

Great shot! It took me a few seconds to realize what I was looking at... :)

Olivier said...

belle couleur en effet, qui rappelle un peu celle des bus scolaires américains

Alexa said...

And as an abstract, it's brilliant!

Unknown said...

One of my favourite entries on the theme!

Mo said...

Love a different view on things and this is something you are good at.

Bergson said...

je crois que le pneu fume un peu

Tash said...

Gorgeous photograph - the colors are just wonderful and so are the various details! Bold yet subtle entry for the theme.

Juliette said...

Great shot! You have such an incredible eye!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.