Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Theme Day-Time and ABC Wednesday "T" is for "Time"!

Well, how cool is that? A Theme Day and an ABC Wednesday that really line up.

I have shown you the center clock before, but couldn't resist adding these two other happy clocks (the one on the left is winking....).

For Theme Day, click here to view thumbnails for all participants.

And click here to see more T's on ABC WEDNESDAY.

20 comments: said...

Ha ha ! yes I see the wink!

Leslie: said...

Terrific time tellers! :D

Wanda said...

I love your selection of clocks.

BTW, what time is it??

Leif Hagen said...

Great luck to have the THEME day and ABC Wednesdays line up - timing of your TIME was perfect, Bibi!

Linda said...

Your timing is impeccable. Great post.

ABC Wednesday Team

Roger Owen Green said...

yes, what time IS it?! interesting, tho.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Jim said...


Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Love the type of clock on the left... I do see the wink.

Great application of "t" and time... two for one day!


Alexa said...

Two for the price of one—or in this case, three! Nicely captured, Bibi.

Jilly said...

Love the two sun dial clocks, except they aren't called that when they are on a wall. I forget the name. The three together look so good, Bibi.

Chuck Pefley said...

Bet those work great as long as it's daytime and the sun's shining. Glad we don't have to rely on this method today, although I suspect life would be a whole lot simpler if we did!

Pat said...

Wanda, Roger, you can check out the time on the middle one here, but I'm not certain about the others....the one on the right was broken anyway, I think....

Lowell said...

I really like the "winker" and the happy face. Great post for theme day and ABC Wednesday!

Kim said...

These are such a cute trio, Bibi. A bow to times past, and something I've not seen outside of your photos of Belgrade.

B SQUARED said...

Do sundials allow for daylight savings time?

Daryl said...

What fun, it looks like a smiling face!

Pasadena Adjacent said...

That first clock is so interesting. It look like a nut on the far left side

Tash said...

Old time fun! These are all so happy looking to me.
I noticed Pasadena Adjacent made it here too. Cool.

Gaelyn said...

I like those half round clocks.

Gunn said...

Interesting and very stylish!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.