Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Watch the birdie!

Watch the birdie! Can you even see the birdie? This little sparrow, the symbol of Belgrade, is pretty hard to see, perched on this nearly leafless bush while soaking up some of the last rays of warmer sunshine for a while, I think.


Luis Gomez said...

Great shot! I love how the birdie is almost hidden. You capture it so well!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Ah, certainly! Your depth of field and fine capture made this much easier than finding Waldo - hah! I think that it is getting quite chilly across Europe now, right?


Tash said...

Hello pretty birdie. Nicely captured...they are very flighty.
I like the brown tones of the photo with a bit of color from the flag.

Leif Hagen said...

A cute sparrow indeed! Is that your little house in the background, Bibi?

Olivier said...

une superbe profondeur de champs, ce qui donne une photo magnifique

Randy said...

Beautiful photo. He is well hidden.

dianasfaria.com said...

I love these little guys.

Dadu Jones said...


Just a question: why the sparrow is the symbol of Beograd?

Pat said...

Leif, I wish it were my home! It is part of the Kalemegdan fortress!

Dadu, the sparrow was chosen as the symbol of Belgrade because it is a small bird capable of soaring to great heights, and thus stands for the special Belgrade spirit.

Dadu Jones said...

Thank you!

(home in Kalemegdan: such a stony hype and many animals and tanks to keep the house safe^^)

Z said...

Excellent juxtaposition with nice fall colors!

Mo said...

I am most suprised that the sparrow is the symbol of Belgrade

Lowell said...

The birdie is naturally camouflaged and it really works. It's a cutie, though. I love the shot and the muted autumnal colors!

B SQUARED said...

Here's hoping for a mild winter.

Daryl said...

sweet shot ..

Gaelyn said...

Sweet little thing. Hope it doesn't freeze to death. Do they stick around all year?

Pat said...

Hi, Gaelyn! Yep, the little sparrows hang around all year.


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!