Sunday, December 5, 2010


This cute little pug in her winter coat seems to be saying, "What? Already?" when Bibi told her it was our 1000th post today.

I (along with Bibi, of course) would like to thank you readers for your visits these past thousand posts, and I'll hope you'll stay with me for at least as many more.

Cyber hugs to you all.


Luis Gomez said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am really glad to be a follower. Thank you for your great images and wonderful comments. Keep them coming.

Louis la Vache said...

Cyber-hugs back to you, Bibi - and congratulations on your 1000th post!

Lynette said...

Precious photo to mark your sterling accomplishment! Thanks for the hug, I return it right back to you.

Gaelyn said...

She is a precious little Pug and obviously smart too (probably reads Bibi and your blog). I am So impressed with 1000 posts. And very glad you are here to read on a daily basis. Please keep up this excellent job.

Melissa Enderle said...

Congratulations to you, Bibi! I remember when you were working on setting up your blog. Quite a following you have now, with your great eye, quick "hip shots," and short but clever annotations.

Randy said...

What a cute model you have there singing your praises. Congratulations! I can't wait to see number 2000.

Carraol said...

Congratulations Bibi for this accomplishment! Thanks for your images, words and comments. And for show us this elegant friend.

Lowell said...

That's a great photo - love the winter wear and the pink tongue sticking out...

Congrats are in order...that's a lot of posts! Hope you keep up the good work, and I, for one, will walk the road of photo-blogging with you!

Andy said...

1,000! That's a great feat.

Birdman said...

Congrats on #1,000!

Louis la Vache said...

BTW - we hope your taking this photo of the pug didn't make Bibi jealous! If she didn't notice, we won't tell!

Alexa said...

Congrats! That is quite an impressive milestone, and I am most definitely looking forward to the next 1,000.

Misfit in Paradise said...

I for one will definitely follow you for 1000 more! I love your photos. Congrats!

Olivier said...

Yesssssssssss FÉLICITATION, 1000 posts c'est un passage important. Bravo pour tes posts passés et bonne continuité pour les prochains posts

Richard Lawry said...

1,000 posts! Amazing. On to 2,000.

An Arkies Musings

Chuck Pefley said...

You're not really that old ... say it's not so! LOL!!

Congratulations, Bibi! Cute pug ... and I do like the winter coat. Very chic! said...

Wow! 1,000! that's a lot of pictures.
I'll be here if you'll be here.
: )
I love that face.

Virginia said...

Oh pooh! I'm late but had to stop by to give you a hug and a scratch behind the ears for Bibi! This pug made me LOL> I have grandpugs you know!

Jilly said...

What a perfect photo for your 1000th posting and what a fabulous blog yours is. I've always loved visiting - love your great photography and your take on things - the way your mind works. Many congratulations and I'm looking forward to more great posts. You are an original!

Juliette said...

I'm looking forward to the next 1000. Your posts are wonderful!!


 I was greeted in a unisex bathroom by Buddha, or at least his head. Quite unexpected!