Wednesday, January 19, 2011

ABC WEDNESDAY "A" is for "arch, antiqued"

Kalemegdan Park is full of archways, and here is one close to The Victor statue. I 'antiqued' it for you, too.

Check out other A's on ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

What a great picture Bibi, love the composition.

Leslie: said...

Fabulous photo, Bibi! It seems almost haunting in the black and white. Hope you're having a good week. :D

ABC Team

Thérèse said...

Arcade...ancien... ancestral...
I love it!

photowannabe said...

And an awesome job you did of antiquing you did on the arch. Nice post for the letter A.

Gaelyn said...

Nice rock work.

Roger Owen Green said...

ancient, perhaps, but not antiquated, is it?

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gemma Wiseman said...

Beautiful! Love the contrast between the central curve of brick and all the other brick horizontals! Interesting photo!

Hildred said...

Lovely photo and a great A. Thank you for posting it, - we get so few opportunities to see old and beautiful buildings and structures.

Olivier said...

j'aime bien le traitement et la composition.

Tumblewords: said...

An awesome antiqued arch is a beautiful thing! Good catch. said...

nice job Bibi!

Carraol said...

Beautiful composition and a great work you did of antiquing that magnificent architecture!

Lowell said...

Very nice archway...and I appreciate the antiquing. All the antiques these days are things with which I grew up!

Hope you're having a wonderful day!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Love the antiquing of the photo... great perspective and composition...

I am excited that the alphabet begins again!


Daryl said...

Oh this is superb .. I see flecks of mica in those cobblestones

elena nuez said...

such a great shot!!!!
like really really a lot!

jijie said...

I'm your newest follower from ABC-WED, hope you will follow me back here@ Step Up
Take Care

Z said...

Great composition!

Louis la Vache said...

Nice composition, Bibi - and the antiquing fits the subject nicely.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.