Thursday, January 20, 2011

Out of paint? Out of money?

Not sure what happened here. Part of this wall of Belgrade's Philological Faculty has been painted and part of the sealed window smoothed over. Run out of paint/money? Nice colors, though! (The graffiti reads "Svi na izbor," which could be translated as "Get out and vote!")


Luis Gomez said...

Very interesting capture Bibi! Kind of funny.

Alexa said...

Think it's interesting that the white AND the red both stop at the same point. I say this work is being done by someone with a bit of OCD, and they'll be back to finish the job!

Gaelyn said...

Looks like someone changed their mind half way through the job.

Chuck Pefley said...

Good advice, but you ask an interesting question. Wonder what happened.

Olivier said...

cela rappelle les années 68 parisienne.

Bergson said...

ça resssemble à une voie sans issue

Carraol said...

Great catch, the sad thing is the damage to that piece of architecture.

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

:)) out of inspiration!! well seen!!

Lowell said...

That's hilarious. You sure have a great photographic eye. I'm thinking maybe the wall was full of graffiti and they got tired of painting over it and just quit.

The"philological" problem is this: If a wall is only half painted and there's nobody there to see it, is there still a problem?

Sorry, just being silly!

Thérèse said...

Interesting indeed! It looks like it's has been done purposely though.

Daryl said...

A work in progress? Love the new header photo!

J e l e n a said...

Never noticed this! I wonder what they were thinking about. Maybe it is an art piece!

Pinecone Stew said...

This is an amazing image!!! Thank you for sharing.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.