Wednesday, November 16, 2011

ABC Wednesday "R" is for "reality"...

In these days of world-wide economic crisis, the above is a too-common sight. Here the REALITY is if you have a job, even one you hate, you keep it. Hard times affect of course the unemployed and elderly people like this woman. (Yes, I did give her some money.)

See other R's at ABC WEDNESDAY.


Luis Gomez said...

It is always very sad to see this kind of images Bibi. Sadly we can see them all over.

Carola said...

Sad Reality. Reality is an unfair world. What a pic! So authentic this old and poor woman. Great choice for R and great shot.

Tash said...

So very sad. I think we should have an "adopt a poor person" program. As Carola said, your capture is so authentic.

Lowell said...

This is a fantastic image! You have captured so well what appears to be a poverty-stricken woman. And I'm afraid we'll see more of this before the crisis runs it course. Poverty has risen sharply in the U.S. and almost 50 million kids have no access to health care!

Maybe the U.S. is not all that "exceptional."

Berowne said...

As JFK said, "Life is not fair."

Olivier said...

portrait magnifique et tres dur a regarder, bravo

Roger Owen Green said...

great shot, but oh how sad.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gaelyn said...

This reality is harsh. Her eyes touch the soul. Your portrait captures are so full of truth.

Lynette said...

You've taken a moving portrait of one of society's ills. Thank you for posting it.

photowannabe said...

Oh my, that hurts. Wonderful photo that tells a story in just one shot.
Life is so difficult for so many.

Kim, USA said...

I think you have the best post for letter R. These photo saddens me and it's all over. She must be happy you gave her money ^_^ That is so nice of you!

R- Red Rays

Kalyan said...

poignant...lovely capture!

J.Rylie.C said...

God bless you more for giving!

My R is about Raking Leaves, please come and see.

Alexa said...

Well, this just broke my heart. And, of course, there but for fortune . . . I am not rich, but oh so grateful for all that I do have. Thanks so much for posting this one.

Leslie: said...

There but for the grace of God go any of us. Thanks for jarring us about the realities of so many who live so close to us.

abcw team

Unknown said...

What a hard life! :'(

Chubskulit Rose said...

Reality bites but its something that we need to face everyday.

Rosary Beads

Scriptor Senex said...

That has to be the best and most thoughtful contribution to the letter R. A brilliant photo and brilliant idea, Bibi. Thank you and well done.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I didn't realize she was begging. do you think she has a place to live? Homelessness is such a fearsome thing. This reminds me to be actively and consciously grateful for the roof over my head.

Pat said...

Oakland Daily, yes, she was. I passed her again today on the street and gave her something. I don't know if she has a place to live; imagine she must have something. It's cold out there and she is old.

Thérèse said...

Hitting more people by the day and there are great programs for the ones who want to help.
A good reminder Bibi especially when the cold is starting to bite outside.

Daryl said...

Oh that poor woman .. so crippled .. and so reminiscent of Grimms fairytales

Anonymous said...

Breaks my heart...imagine this is someones mum grandma;(((
on the more happy note: I am having great giveaway on my blog .Everyone is welcome till 23rd November

Kathy said...

What a dramatic picture. The photographic quality is excellent and the subject matter is one we should all keep in our thoughts as we eat hearty meals, sit in our warm homes, and celebrate holidays. We need to remember that those luxuries do not exist for everyone. Thanks for reminding me of that.

Virginia said...

Thank you for the reminder that we all need to be eternally grateful for all we have. This is a moving portrait BIbi.


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.