Thursday, November 17, 2011

Keeping warm...

These bench pads, here being aired out on an outdoor cafe in Belgrade's 'Silicon Valley', will keep the part of you that sits on the bench warm.

And the 'silicon' that gave its name to this street with many popular cafes has nothing to do with computers, but rather the abundance of silicon found on many of its cafes' female customers.


Olivier said...

ca fait comme un drapeau ;)

Luis Gomez said...

LOL! Great post Bibi.

Anonymous said...

Cool colors:)) said...

how nice of the proprietors to keep their customers buns warm!
& I'm not exactly sure why, but all I can think of is - yikes about the silicone!

Lowell said...

I can imagine these would be of great benefit if you are sitting on a bench in the dead of winter.

Thérèse said...

"Silicon street?" ah ah ah!

Daryl said...

Silicon on or in the customers?

Louis la Vache said...

Silicon Valley!

What a hoot(er?)!

Pat said...

Daryl, it's 'in' for sure, not 'on'! Ha!

Virginia said...

Oh that's hilarious. I wouldn't have thought that you would have that much where you live!

Alexa said...

What a great composition. And thanks for the laugh!


 The feathery texture on this tree bark caught my eye.